Chapter 7- Sword Totem

Start from the beginning

If it was simply this, then he would have never been able to touch Modus. Modus himself looked at the swing, leisurely.

It seems the boy can now properly tap into his sword skills.

That's when it happened. Will's killing intent suddenly transformed. It became heavier.

No, it became denser.

It started compressing around Modus. Modus now felt his movements being slightly suppressed.

What? This is incredible!

Will continued to compress his killing intent until it only covered Modus and himself. The air started to gain a blood red tinge. The air became redder the closer it was to Will's sword. The smell of blood started wafting all round. Will's sword started moving faster than before and caught Modus by surprise!

This! This isn't killing intent! This is bloodlust!

Even though he was caught by surprise, Modus was still an immortal, and a very powerful one at that. It was not difficult for him to escape the bloodlust in time.

After Modus jumped back, Will continued to hold the sword, looking at it. He looked as if he was in some sort of trance, his face emotionless, and his eyes dead. Will continued to compress the bloodlust until it only covered him and his sword. His entire body continued to radiate a red aura.

All the grass around Will started dying, or rather disintegrating. It was as if the life was being sucked right out of Will's surroundings, until he was only surrounded by cracked earth for hundreds of meters.

If any ordinary mortal had been standing there instead of Modus, they undoubtedly would have died instantly.

Ah he's destroying my garden.

Modus saw that Will wasn't really in control. Although he didn't want to disturb the boy's moment of enlightenment, he didn't like the way things were going. Bloodlust has made many people, even immortals insane. He didn't want Will to end up like them.

He was about to knock Will out, when he was once again shocked. The red bloodlust around Will's body started turning blue. When Modus saw this, he stopped in his tracks.

The red compressed aura turned blue, and started decompressing. It started spreading all around, radiating if you will. The plant life that had been destroyed by Will started growing back again. The grass started growing back, flowers started blooming, and the aura Will was giving out was really comforting. Not only did the wildlife resurrect, it was even more vibrant than before.

Species that were not there started growing around them.

He created life...from nothing! This is radiant energy!

Modus was once again flabbergasted. Rejuvenation was common place. Creating life from nothing on the other hand, was a different story.

Modus guessed that his deadly aura came from his sword yuan, and his life creating aura came from his water yuan, these traits were opposing and should conflict, although he could possess the energy from both classes due to his unique constitution, such an incredible phenomenon such as displaying bloodlust and turning it into radiant energy, was absurd!

Ah he's going too far!

Modus got out of his stupor and realized that the grass was now as tall as his waist. They were now practically in a jungle.

Now I really have to stop him.

Once more Modus was about to move when a change occurred in Will. The aura around Will suddenly changed color once again. It became red once again, and started compressing.

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