Marinette rolled her eyes and crossed her arms over her chest. "If you weren't staring at me like that I wouldn't have done it. And besides, I've been wanting to do that to you since this morning." 

A smirk immediately made its way to the heroine's face once she noticed Adrien's reddening cheeks and flustered behavior. She must say, she has been doing well on pushing the boy's buttons lately. She's definitely becoming an expert on it. "Seriously though, what's wrong with you? And what's up with the 'Adrien Agreste can do this'?" she questioned him with a raised brow as she went for her desk to gather her things.

"I'll tell you if you tell me why my Bugaboo disappeared not too long ago." said Adrien in a childish manner as he sat on the floor, staring at the ground. Marinette sat down next to him a couple of seconds later, and placed the things they will be needing onto the floor. She exhaled deeply and turned to face him, which made Adrien unconsciously stare at her lips briefly. 'Bad Adrien, bad!' he thought to himself.

Marinette chuckled. "Well, Mama and Papa thought that I was teaching you how to bake--"

She was cut off by Adrien's boisterous laughter. He clutched his stomach and continued to laugh, while Marinette merely stared at him annoyingly. Several seconds later, he calmed down, giving him the chance to finally explain himself, "S-Sorry, it's just that... seriously, baking?"

"Yes, baking. It was unbelievable to me, too, when I first heard it. My parents can get a bit weird and ridiculous sometimes. Apparently, Mama and Papa saw the red paint by my ear, which came from earlier when Nathaniel and I were working on the project, and thought it was icing. I guess they're just a bit excited about baking and all." she shrugged as she grabbed one of the textbooks and immediately flipped through it, unaware of the jealous cat beside her, who was silently hissing to himself. 

That tomato artist was getting on his nerves.

Well, maybe he should chill a little.

He seriously needs to take control of his emotions.

"Anyways..." started Marinette as she picked up the pen and the textbook before giving it to him. "shall we start?" she continued, a wide grin plastered on her face. 

And so, off they went with their tutor session. As Adrien continued to teach her and overthink about the plan, Marinette was getting the hang of it. She was able to answer the questions correctly and quickly, as if it were a piece of cake. The more that she's able to answer questions correctly, the more that she suspects someone was sabotaging her grades. For a moment, she theorized that perhaps Chloe was doing something, but dismissed it. But then again, knowing the snobby rich girl, she was capable of doing just that.

Or, maybe it's just her and her hatred towards Chloe.

She tapped her pen onto the textbook absentmindedly as she pondered on the answer to the question. 'What's the formula for carbon tetrafluoride? Come on, Marinette... you can do this! Just think!' she encouragingly thought to herself as she continued to rack her brain for answers. As she did so, unknown to her, a certain cat was scribbling down words onto a scratch paper for her.

 Adrien, once he was done, slid the paper in front of Marinette. She simply stared at the paper in confusion, before raising an eyebrow at the model, who was innocently whistling a tune beside her. Seeing that the boy won't respond, she turned her attention to the paper, which read,

"Are you made of copper? 'Cause I Cu in a relationship with me."   

The heroine groaned and crumpled the paper before throwing it at Adrien's head, making him wince and pout. Without sparing any glance at him, Marinette returned to pondering about the question.

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