Chapter 38

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When the day finally came, it was cold, very cold. -14 Celsius. For March, that was very cold.

Luckily it wasn't snowing, and there was only enough snow for it to be about ankle deep in some areas.

Capture the flag would be that night, so the staff was just prepping the forest.

Meanwhile, Roderich and Gilbert were in bed, resting so they'd have plenty of energy during capture the flag.

Gilbert laid with Roderich in his arms, in Gilbert's bed this time. Roderich was fast asleep, his back rising and falling slowly in an even rhythm. He had a peaceful sort of look on his face, his hair messy and his glasses on the bedside table. He was wearing Gilbert's sweatshirt, his smaller hand gripping at Gilbert's uniform shirt while he hummed a simple tune while he slept.

Gilbert smiled, running his fingers threw Roderichs beautiful messy hair, lightly pressing his lips to his forehead.

And then there was a sudden, loud sound, which Gilbert quickly realized to be his own Ukulele playing. He snatched up Roderichs phone, pressing talk as quickly as he could, desperate to keep Roderich asleep.

"Yes? Who is this?" Gilbert hissed.

"Who are you?" The voice demanded, and Gilbert recognized it automatically as Roderichs father.

"Oh. I'm Gilbert. You're Roderichs dad, right?"

"Why do you have my sons phone? Explain yourself or I'm calling the police."

"Woah, woah, buddy, calm down!" Gilbert whispered frantically. "I'm Gilbert Beilshmidt. I'm Rods roommate. He's sleeping right now, and I'd like it if he stayed that way. What do you want?"

"He's sleeping? Wake him up then!"


"Why not?"

"He needs his sleep, now what do you want?"

"I..." He went silent for a moment. "I wanted to make plans to see my son over spring break."

"I don't think Roderich will like that idea, but I'll tell him."

"Make him call me back as soon as he wakes up."


"Can I have your phone number as an emergency contact, just incase Roderich doesn't answer the phone?"

"Sure, my number is 1-684-" and he pressed 'end call', setting the phone down carefully on his bedside table.

Roderich continued to lay peacefully on Gilbert's chest, his eyes closed and his lips barely parted. His chest rose up and down in a steady rhythm, Gilbert resting a hand on Roderich bottom, his other hand holding Roderichs head, his fingers tangled in messy brown hair.

Roderich was beautiful. He was flawed, human, and beautiful.

He had scars, and he didn't have washboard abs. He didn't have tan skin, and he didn't have a perfect butt. He was kind of a stuck up asshole, who was judgemental and greedy. But Gilbert loved him because of that- he loved him for his imperfections, all his perfections, Gilbert loved him because he was Roderich, and Roderich was beautiful, human.

Now, Gilbert wasn't exactly a ray of sunshine either. He was absolutely covered in scars- and they weren't exactly what most would call pretty. He had pasty white skin, bright red eyes and white hair, which drew a lot of attention wherever he went. He had large hands and bruised very easily, and his nose had been broken so many times there was now a small sort of bump on it. He had anger problems, was stubborn, and clingy. But Roderich loved him for these things- he thought his scars were beautiful, and that his eyes were unique and amazing. He kind of liked how clingy Gilbert was, as Roderich was kind of clingy himself.

They loved each other for their flaws, their differences.

And they especially loved the perfect little things.

For example, Roderich had a nice butt and was a kinky little shit. Gilbert had a beautifully toned chest, and was pretty good with electronics.

They loved each other unconditionally, and their relationship was almost perfect.

Almost. They still fought, and still made each other cry. They weren't constantly all lovey-dovey, kissing snuggling 24/7. They had a healthy relationship, not too much fighting, not too much sadness, the perfect amount of everything.

And so, they were happy. Very happy.

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