Chapter 20

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Gilbert was very glad to have Roderich as a roommate.

One, he was the most beautiful person he knew. (Inside and out.)

Two, he was very good at making sweets and hot beverages.

And three, because he could talk about almost anything with him.

"Why is 'fuck you' an insult? Like, yeah, fuck me. Fuck me hard." Gilbert held his bottle of Gatorade close to him, sitting on his bed with his legs crossed in the dark.

"I don't know, but that is an interesting question." Roderich whispered. He laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling. "It is a strange insult."

"Just like calling someone a cunt... I mean, I have absolutely no confidence in saying this, but aren't cunts supposed to be warm and have depth?" He murmured. "That's almost the same as calling someone an asshole."

Roderich chuckled softly. He didn't laugh very often, but when he did, it was enough to brighten Gilbert's entire day.

"Speaking of assholes, I wonder how Ulz is doing." Gilbert whispered. "His parents are hella strict, and I can guarantee that they weren't happy he got expelled because of a fight."

"Yes... I hope he's alright." Roderich murmured. "How's your head?"

"It's doin better than before. I can't feel my heartbeat in my head anymore, so that's probably a good sign."

"Fantastic. Your stomach?"

"I haven't thrown up in over an hour."

"Even better. Would you be okay for school tomorrow?"


Roderich sighed in relief. "Good, because I don't like staying out of school for too long."

"Neither do I. I miss the few other friends I have." Gilbert murmured.

There was a somewhat awkward silence before Gilbert spoke up again. "I have zero patience for mean old people. Like, respect the elders? How about I respect the people that deserve respect? If you're gonna be a bitch, I don't care if you're a senior I'll fucking beat your ass. Let's see what moves they taught your wrinkled ass in First World War. Talk shit, get hit."

And Roderich laughed. He actually laughed- a bright smile on his face, his sweet, joy filled laughter was enough to make Gilbert ecstatic.

It was a laughter that Roderich could feel in his lungs, so hard that it took his breath away. The lack of oxygen didn't matter. All the pain of the past few
weeks melted like snow in a warm spring breeze.

Gilbert just watched him with wide and loving eyes.

Roderich was the closest thing to perfect in that horrible world. Roderich was the most beautiful, kind, and overall Amazing person in Gilbert's entire life.

In Gilbert's small world, Roderich was the sun, the light that kept everything alive. The brightest thing, the most extraordinary. Whenever he'd go away, everything would be dark and cold, but when he came back, everything was beautiful, bright and warm.

"I'm so glad I'm your roommate." Roderich chuckled.

"Same." Gilbert murmured.

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