Chapter 14

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September flew by faster than the two of them expected it to. Mostly because... Well, to state it plainly, they were both enjoying themselves, and as the saying goes, time flies when you're having fun. For once in his life, Gilbert was actually looking forward to waking up in the morning, because that meant he could see Roderich.

For once in his life, Gilbert felt he had something to live for.

Because Roderich was able to open his eyes,  show him everything he'd previously been blind to. Roderich turned the rain into sunshine, brought back that happiness he'd lost so long ago, and finally gave him a feeling of purpose. Roderich gave him hope and happiness.

Roderich brought his world of black and white into colour.

Before they knew it, it was the first of October, and Gilbert actually had good grades. He had gotten his marks from the 50s and 40s to the 70s and 80s, all because of Roderich. Roderich, of course, was constantly getting 90s and 100s.

And then suddenly Roderich was sick. Very sick. He was paler than usual, looking frail and sickly. He had a bad cough, his throat sore and his nose running. He had a constant headache, and just wanted to sleep. He wouldn't eat, and barely drank anything.

And Gilbert was worried. So worried, in fact, that he pretended to have the same symptoms so he could get out of school and look after him. You'd be surprised how easy it was to fool the principle.

And so, Roderich sat in his bed, a grumpy look on his face while Gilbert forced a cup of tea into his hands. "Drink it." He ordered. "It'll make your throat feel better."

"How about you stop bossing me around."

"How about you stop being a stuck up little shit and drink your fuckin tea."

Roderich grumbled something under his breath, but took the cup anyway.

Roderich had some problems.

One, he was scared of getting close to people. He loved being trusted by others, but had a hard time trusting them back. He was always terrified that he'd push everyone away, but he had no clue how he was supposed to fix this.

Two, he was terrified that no one actually wanted him around, and that he was easily forgotten by the people that meant most to him. He was constantly wondering if he meant anything to anyone.

However, Gilbert easily fixed those problems.

Roderich felt it much easier to trust Gilbert. He found that extremely strange, as Gilbert wasn't exactly the best person to trust, but he found himself leaving his life in his hands.

And Gilbert showed that Roderich meant something to him. He may have not meant a lot, but he still meant something, and that Automatically made Roderich feel better. Gilbert cared about Roderich, and just the thought made him happy. After all, Gilbert had even skipped school to look after him, and the only class Gilbert seemed to want to skip was gym.

And Roderich was happy. Roderich was happy that he had made a friend who cared about him, who enjoyed talking to him, who went out of his way to protect him.

He took a sip of his hot tea, and Gilbert came back into their room, a thermos in his hands. "I got you some soup." He murmured. "You haven't eaten in two days. I don't care if I have to pour it down your throat, you're going to get it into your system."

Roderich pouted. "I'm not hungry."

"You've still gotta eat." He placed the steaming thermos on Roderichs bedside table, along with a spoon. "You've gotta take better care of yourself, Rod. I won't always be here, you know."

"Hm..." He took a sip of the tea in his hands.

Gilbert laid down in his bed, pulling up the covers. "Look, I gotta act all sick too, okay? I'm gonna try to sleep. Don't cough to much, you're kinda loud."

"Please don't go to sleep."

Gilbert sat up again, eyeing Roderich suspiciously. "Why?"

"Because then I won't be able to talk to you, and you won't get angry at me for not eating." Roderich murmured. "Stay awake please."

Gilbert couldn't help but smile slightly. Roderich was like a toddler when he was sick and tired.

There was a small silence, before Gilbert stood up, pulling off his shirt and tossing it into the hamper. He had a habit of doing that when he didn't have to do anything or go anywhere.

And Roderich was just kind of stunned into silence, just like every time he saw Gilbert without a shirt. He had a sort of muscular build, his skin almost grey. But that wasn't what caught Roderichs attention. It was how many scars he had.

Roderich almost dropped his cup, his eyes locked on Gilbert. All over his body, there were scars. His chest, his arms, his back, his neck. Roderich was at a loss for words, he was just mesmerized, he had always thought of scars as ugly and distasteful but no, no these were so much different than that.

"Why are you staring at me?" Gilbert demanded, his eyes narrowed in suspicion.

Roderich placed his cup beside the thermos, standing up and walking over to Gilbert, as if in a trance.

Gilbert was very confused.

Then he felt Roderichs warm fingers touch his chest, tracing one of his many scars. "W-what are you doing?" He demanded.

"These are..."

"Ugly, I know. That one is from when I accidentally fell in the fireplace."

"No, no they aren't ugly. They're practically the opposite." Roderich ran his fingers over Gilbert's skin, moving around him to examine his body with his bright, beautiful purple eyes. Gilbert stood still, just kind of confused and slightly flustered.

Roderichs slim fingers traced the scar tissue, his hands running over Gilbert's figure. "Can you stop staring at me maybe? It's not like I enjoy having pale ass skin and a fuck ton of scars. They're ugly as hell."

"No, no you're beautiful. They're beautiful. You have beautifully fragile human skin, like parchment. This is... This is amazing..."

Gilbert's heart thumped heavily against his rib cage, and he was fairly sure his heavy heart beat was audible.

God damn it this fucking TEASE.

Roderich ran his warm hands over Gilbert, and Gilbert desperately tried to keep his heart rate and breathing under control. However, it was extremely difficult.

"I want to know how you got these." Roderich murmured. "Every last one of them. I want to hear their stories."

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