Chapter 28

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Their room was warmer than usual, as this time they remembered to leave the window closed. It was pitch black out, snow falling slowly onto the already snow covered fields of the high school campus.

They had made it back to the school and returned the car all before their curfew, both of them generally exhausted after their little meet up with Ulz and his friends. Gilbert automatically went for a shower, and when he came back, there was Roderich, taking off his shirt.

As you already know, Roderich was beautiful. He had beautiful, porcelain-like skin, graceful curves and a little bit of pudge, but not enough for it to be obvious. Yet Roderich didn't notice how beautiful he was.

Gilbert sat down on his bed, using all his might not to stare at Roderich beautiful body. He grabbed his phone, trying to distract himself while Roderich took off his shirt and toss it in the laundry hamper.

He took a glance at Roderich, and their eyes met.

Roderich had a nervous sort of look on his face, and a look in his eye that Gilbert didn't recognize at first. A special sort of glint that Gilbert had never seen on Roderich before, and once he realized what it was, he was almost scared.

"I... Is your arm alright?" Roderich asked calmly.


"Are you... Um, what I'm trying to say is... Can we... Um..." Roderich murmured, sounding unsure of himself. "Gilbert... Why do you love me? I'm so useless and weak... I know I'm attractive, but... Is there... Really anything else?"

Gilbert stood up, walking up behind Roderich and wrapping his arms around him from behind. And he whispered in Roderichs ear;

"I love you because you're you. You're hot as fuck, you're an aristocratic pianist with a witty sense of humour, you're actually nice to me. I love literally everything about you. Man, you're great. You're almost perfect. I love you."

Roderich couldn't help but lean into Gilbert's touch, his breathing heavy. "I-I love you too."

Gilbert held Roderichs waist gently, leaning in and gently placing his lips on Roderichs neck, Roderich giving a soft and quiet shuddering gasp in response.

The feeling and thought of Roderich skin against his own was enough to make his heart pound. Gilbert closed his eyes, his chest rising and falling shakily with each breath, his lips lavishing Roderichs neck with kisses.

Blood rushed to his face and certain other areas.

"Gilbert, can I... Is it alright if I ask you something?" Roderich whispered shakily.

Gilbert pulled away so his lips were just barely brushing Roderichs hot skin. "Yeah?"

"Can we have sex....?" Roderich whispered softly. "Please? If it's alright with you, of course."

For a split second, Gilbert seemed to lose control. He turned him around and pulled Roderich Into a passionate, sloppy kiss, their hearts beating quickly and their breathing shaky, Gilbert's lips roaming Roderichs neck and chest and stomach, collar bones and jawbones, leaving dark marks here and there. Roderich belonged to Gilbert. And Gilbert wanted everyone to know.

Within minutes, hands were everywhere, lips were everywhere, clothes scattered around the room.

Roderich hooked his thumbs on Gilbert's boxers, yanking them down with out warning and pushing him down onto his bed. He tossed the undergarments somewhere, leaning down and sloppily kissing Gilbert, grinding his hips against him, Gilbert giving a shuddering gasp.

Moonlight Sonata// PruausNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ