chapter 31

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"Alex, Raven, Raven, Alex." I chanted poking both boys on either side of me. "what?" they both groaned and I giggled. "guess what!" I shouted getting a few grumbles of protest. "what?" they grumbled. "were going to new York." I bounced. "go to sleep." Alex frowned. "I can't." I whined. I leaned back in the ugly blue chair and leaned my head on Raven' s shoulder. "what if he doesn't want me?" I whispered mostly to myself. "then it's his loss, my beautiful, beautiful owl. Now go to sleep." Raven said. I laughed lightly at him and snuggled into his side. "were on a plane. It's truly happening, Raven." I'll whispered in awe. the whole plane was deep blue even the carpet and chairs. they whole room was a half circle like shape with little cupboard like places above our heads for our carry-ons with the luggage in the cargo part of the plane. it was berry crowded with lots of people their two rows of three seats with a small isle in the middle. a young child ran up and down the isle the whole plane ride was about two hours.

the airport was filled with people. I hung onto Raven and Alex closely. they lead me over to a conveyer belt with luggage on it. I picked up my Red case and Raven and Alex picked up their matching black cases. I set mine on the ground so I could pull it on its wheels, the boys did the same and we made our way down a elevator and to the ground floor. Raven went up to the front desk leaving me with Alex.

"what is he doing?" I asked Alex. "getting us a car." Alex mused. I nodded as Raven made his way back to me and then lead us to a parking lot full of different cars. Raven looked around then lead us to a red convertible. I hopped in front well the boys tossed the luggage into the back Raven d rove well Alex sat in back.

I was nodding off as Raven drove up to the hotel. "I told you to sleep on the plane. " Raven laughed. "Oh hush." I replied. Raven got us a room then pulled up the car to the room. we unpacked our stuff then got into bed.

author's note-

so She got to new York. what do you think will happen next? vote and comment. love you all. XOXOXOXO HUGS AND KISSES XOXOXOXO

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