Chapter 16

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Charlie's POV 

I sat on a hard plastic chair in the waiting room, spinning my engagement ring on my finger. Tears silently poured down my face as hospital noises drowned out my quiet sobbing. The phone rang every five minutes or so as the receptionist answered it obnoxiously loudly, the doctors would come out every once in a while to give loved ones information on their family. So far three people have made a full recovery from their surgery, two have become comatose and one has died. I kept my eyes down as the wife of a man who was killed in a car accident sobbed loudly. 

"Charlie!" Niall yelled, running over to me, pulling me into a hug. 

"How is he?" Liam asked, Dani on his arm, tears running down her face. 

"Still in surgery." I answered. "The paramedics said-" I sniffled "Said that it didn't hit any major organs, they just have to worry about blood loss." 

I stood up when Niall released me and ran to Louis, wrapping my arms around his neck as he stood there in shock and silence. "I'm so sorry Lou! This is all my fault! If I had never left-" 

"Charlie!" Louis yelled stopping me. He pulled away and looked at me with watery eyes. "Char this is not your fault!" 

"But I-" 

"Charlie shit happens! He will be fine!" Louis smiled. 

"Um Char?" El spoke up from beside Louis, "What is that?" 

"What is what?" I asked, looking around confused. 

"That!" El said pointing to my left hand. 

A small smile danced on my lips. "Harry proposed." I said quietly. 

"WHAT!?" Dani and El yelled, getting shushed by the receptionist who seemed to be talking to her friend about plans for the weekend. 

"But you were undercover!" El said quietly. 

So I told them. I told them about Ken and Harmony and the warehouse. I told them about the shooting, how I killed Harmony but the bullet meant for me hit Harry. "And I was holding my shirt to his stomach and he pulled it out. Said he had been carrying it around for months." I said, playing with the hem of the bloody shirt I had put back on. 

Dani looked at me with sad eyes. "He will make it." she smiled. 

"He better." I said as tears ran down my face again. "I don't know what I would do without him!" 

"WHERE IS HE!?" Mollie yelled, running through the emergency room, Josh and Kat behind her. 

"Surgery." I said. 

"Oh Char!" Mollie sighed, hugging me tight. 

I couldn't tell the story, not again, so Niall told the three of them as Kat and Mollie cried. 

After Niall was done a tall man with blonde hair, looking to be in his thirties, walked into the waiting room with a clip board. "Charlie Parks?" 

"Over here." I said, standing up. 

"My name is Dr. Warren. Your fiance is Harry Styles?" I nodded, "Ok, so luckily the bullet hit nothing major. He went through surgery but is still very short on blood." Dr. Warren said sadly. "If we don't find a donor in the next twenty-four hours he will die of blood loss." 

"Me." I said immediately. "We have the same blood type. I'll do it." 

"Charlie you can't stand needles!" El told me. 

"I can't stand not being with him more. I'll do it." 

Dr. Warren lead me to a room and gave me a hospital gown. I put it on and sat down on the bed. In walked Louis and a nurse. "Hello Charlie. My name is Kaitlyn, I will be your nurse today." she smiled. "This is very brave of you." I nodded and Louis walked over to me. 

"Hold my hand." he instructed. "Look at me, if you feel light headed lie down ok?" I nodded, not questioning why the nurse let him in. 

When it was over I started to feel nauseous. "I'm going to be sick." I said. 

"You look pale." Nurse Kaitlyn mentioned. "You should-" I didn't hear a word after I fell to a world of darkness and fainted. 

I woke up in a different room. There were two beds, two heart beats. "Welcome back." I heard a familiar voice call. 

I sat up, clutching my head and looked to the bed beside me. Sitting up, eating red jello was Harry. 

"HARRY!" I screamed, ripping out the wires taking my heart beat and ran to him. He smiled and put his jello down as I wrapped my arms around him tightly. "I thought you were a gonner." I whispered. 

"I would never leave you." he said pulling away. He smiled up at me, wiping the tears off my cheeks with his thumb. 

"Can I have some jello?" I suddenly asked. 

"Wow, your concern for me lasts about as long as you see jello." Harry laughed, handing me a cup of green jello. 

"What? I'm hungry! Loosing like a litre of your blood takes a lot out of a person!" I smiled. 

"What?" Harry looked at me shocked. 

"They didn't tell you?" I whispered. 

"You should." I heard a voice from the door. I turned around to see Nurse Kaitlyn standing in the door. I quickly got off Harry's lap and sat on my own bed. Well that was awkward, the nurse just walked in on me straddling my boyfriend, well I guess fiance. "I just came to bring you food. Don't worry, I brought you jello." she winked, placing the tray on my bed and closing the door. 

I stood up and sat beside Harry, who made space for me on the small bed. "What were you talking about?" Harry asked. 

Tears began to pour down my face again. "You lost so much blood. The stitched you up but you lost so much." I cried. "The doctor said you wouldn't make it twenty-four hours if you didn't get more. We are the same blood type so I told them to take it from me." I said, wiping my running nose. 

"You did that for me?" Harry said quietly. 

"I would do anything for you." 

"But you hate needles." 

"It was worth it." I smiled, leaning over and pressing my lips to his. "I miss you so much." I mumbled against his lips. 

"Never leave me again." Harry breathed. 

I pulled away and smiled at him. "Never." 

Harry smiled and pulled he against his chest. He looked down at my hand and smiled. "Do you still want to?" I asked, looking up to his eyes. 

"What do you mean?" 

"Do you still want to get married? I know it was a spur of the moment thing. You thought you were going to die-" Harry cut me off by pressing his lips to mine. 

"Of course baby. Of course I still want to marry you! Did you not hear me? I have been carrying around that bloody ring for a year." he smiled. 

"I love you." I smiled. 

"I love you too." 

"You know, I think I'm done police work." I smiled.

"What do you mean?" Harry asked, his eye brows furring in confusion. 

"I have always wanted to be a social worker. Help people. That's why I took Mollie's case." I revealed. "She looked like she needed help." 


"Yeah," I nodded. "And it was the best decision I have ever made!" 


Sorry about the cliff hanger on the last one!!!! ;P So here is some adorable Harlie to make up for it! :) 

Thank you guys for all the reads!!!! 

Vote and comment, I love hearing from you!!!! <3 

LOVE YOU!!!!!! <3 


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