chapter 5

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Harry's POV 

"Hello boys! My name is Mollie and I am your server today, can I start you off with any drinks?" Mollie said coming up to our table at her uncle's restaurant.

"I still don't know why you introduce yourself to us every time were come here!" Liam laughed.

"Because I don't want people to know I know you!" Mollie winked.

"I'll have water!" Liam said.

The boys laughed at his healthiness. "COKE!" Louis yelled.

"Same!" The rest of us said.

"Ok, and I'm assuming the usual?" she asked as she began to write down our usual order.

"I just want you!" Niall winked.

"See me after my shift!" Mollie winked back. 

"Bro, you are so whipped!" Louis laughed. 

"Am not!" 

"Awwww Nollie is so cute!" I cooed pinching Niall's cheeks.

Mollie brought us our drink and handed them out to us. "Water for the healthily Liam, and pop for the rest of you losers!" she laughed "And don't make fun of my leprechaun!"

"Be careful or we might not leave you a tip!" I winked.

"I have a tip for you!" she said handing me my pop. "Ask out Charlie or she will think you aren't interested!"

I rolled his eyes mumbling "No tip for you!" she laughed before leaving to get the other couple's lunch. 

Mollie came over with out food and started to hand them out.

"Chicken noodle soup for Harry, peperoni and mushroom pizza for Niall, cheese burgers for Louis and Zayn and turkey sandwich for Liam!"

"THANK YOU MOLLIE!" we all said like five year olds.

Mollie looked around the restaurant, no one. "Can I sit with you? There is no one here and I'm off in half an hour anyways!" she smiled.

"Sure!" Liam said before turning back to us. "Who has a song? We still have six months but we should really get on it! We need seven!" 

"Nothing!" we all said.

"Wait! Idea!" Niall said.

"What is it?" asked Liam.

"What if Mol wrote us a song?" Mollie sat up straighter.

"What do you mean? I can't write a song!" she protested.

"Oh come on you are in your second year of writing in college, your songs are awesome plus you would get publicity and you can get a job right out of college!" Niall said.

"And we would pay you so win-win! Niall that is a great idea!" Louis pipped in.

"I don't know guys!"

"Come on! PLEASE MOLLIE!" we all begged.

"Fine! But only one!" Yes we cracked her! Success! She can never say no to us!

"For now." I mumbled.

"And on ONE condition!" she smiled at me. Oh god what does she want?

"What is it?" Zayn asked.

"Harry asked to take Charlie on a date!" she smiled.

"WHAT!?" I yelled nearly spitting out my coke "I can't do that! What if she says no?"

"Ask her out or no song!" she smiled.

"I hate you!" I glared at Mollie.

"Love you too Haz! Now what is it? No song and be lonely, or be live happily ever after and get a song?"

"Come on Harry it's just one date! It's not like she is asking you to marry her or anything!" Louis said.

"Fine! Man I really hate you!"

"Love you!" Mollie smiled. 


I laid in bed looking up at the ceiling. I could sing a song? No too predictable! I could dance? No, Niall did that, besides, I have two left feet. I can write her a poem? I can't rhyme! 

Damn it! Why can't this be easier?

"Harry, you ok?" I heard Niall in the doorway. 

I really need to take their keys away. "How do I do it Niall?" 

"Ask Charlie out?" I nodded, "Well what does she like?" 

"Avengers, Iron Man, Harry Potter. She is the biggest nerd I know!" I laughed. 

"How about you invite her over for a nerd movie marathon and ask her then?" 

"Niall you are a romantic genius!" I said jumping up and kissing him on the cheek and running out of my room for my phone, leaving Niall alone and confused. This will be perfect!

Ok, Charlie will be here in ten minutes. I have snack, check, movies, check, blankets, check. Everything is perfect!

Then I heard a knock on the door and my hands started to get sweaty. "You ready to nerd party?" Chralie smiled on my front porch, wearing her pyjamas. Normally I just wear boxers to bed but I'm wearing pj's too.

"Aw yeah buddy!" I laughed.

"I brought gummy bears!" she smiled holding up a package of gummy bears. "And jello mix. we are totally making jello!" she laughed.

"You brought jello? I love you!" I smiled as we ran into the kitchen to start it.

We poured everything and put it into it's bowls and put it in the fridge to set. Then we ran into the living room and Charlie made herself comfortable under the blnaket on the couch.

"Ok what first, Iron Man, Avengers or Harry Potter?"

"Which Iron Man?"


"Avengers first!" she smiled like a three year old getting candy.

"Ok, Avengers it is!" I said putting the disk into the dvd player.

"Do you remember VCRs?"

"How could I forget them?" I laughed, "They were my childhood!"

"I miss them! It makes me sad that if I say VCR my kids won't know what I'm talking about!" Charlie said sadly. "Harry, I don't want to grow up!"

"Charlie, you are twenty one! You don't have to grow up yet!"

"Yeah but you are twenty!"

"Char, I'm only a year younger than you!"

True. I guess it just scares me that I have a job and responsibilities and shit."

"Charlie you can stay as young as you want for as long as you want!" I smiled at her.

"Then I am staying five forever!" she laughed.

After three movies, Avengers, Iron Man and Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince it was nearly 3am.

"Hey Charlie," I said turning to her. 

"Mhmm?" she mumbled. 

"Um," I was starting to get really nervous. Oh god, I am so scared! "Do you, I was wondering." Damn it! Stop stuttering Harry! "Will you be my girlfriend?" I asked smiling at her. 



I know it has been forever but I'm sorry! I have shit to do! And by shit to do I mean procrastinate! ;) 

Anyways I'm sorry it took so long! :( But it's my birthday (well it was 7 minutes ago JULY 14th BABY!) so I updated as a present to all you! ;) 

RIP Cory Montieth!

Hope you guys have a good week, sorry for the cliff hanger but I will hopefully be able to update again tomorrow or the day after! :) 

Sorry for the short chapter, I just wanted to get something up! 



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