Chapter 12

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Charlie's POV 

"I know where Tyler is." Mark's head snapped up in interest. 

"Where is he?" 

Ok, this is my chance, if I tell him where Tyler is maybe I can get a start in this drug deal? "I was trying to see if Sam was ok and they didn't see me. He was talking to this girl who looked, in my opinion, like a hooker, and they were talking about money. She said she was dating this dude for money and she only got about 10 grand out of him before he broke up with her. She said that he broke up with her that morning or something. I don't know she was complaining about loosing her 'image' and how he publicly humiliated her or something." 

"So where is he?" 

"Him and Slutbag were talking about hiding out in her parents house in Scottland for a while." 

"Scottland, eh?" 

"Yes sir." 

Mark turned around, twisting the gun around his fingers. "Very good Fray." he smiled. "I think this means a promotion!" I smiled wide but he turned around and I quickly masked it as he starred at me. "McCormick!" he yelled loudly. Soon a man walked into the room. 

"Yeah boss?" he was short, shorter than me, at about 5'3 with a shiny bald head cloudy blue eyes. His eyes were scary as he grinned at me. His teeth were yellow and crocked. 

"Show Fray here to The Room." McCormick nodded and grabbed my arm leading me out of the room. I'm starting to get scared but if there is one thing I have learned in this job is to never show your fear. I shook his hand off my arm just making him grin even more. I kept pace with him until we walking into an unfamiliar room of the wear house we were stationed in. Inside was about ten people who all looked like they were doing a chemistry experiment, but I knew better than to think they were doing school work. 

This is the drug room. 

Score one for Charlie! 

I followed McCormick to a table at the far end of the large room as men looked up and smiled hungrily at me. I ignored them like I always do. 

"So here is it. Mark wants you to be our deliverer." McCormick said handing me a list. "Here are all our buyers. Do not loose this list, it could get both you and I locked up in prison!" I nodded. 

"So what do I do?"

McCormick handed me a cell phone. "You will get texts with the amount, time and place. Go there and make sure you get the money up front. Also you might need this." He handed me a gun. I smiled, it looked like one of my old ones. I aimed it at McCormick and pretended to shoot making me laugh. 

"Sorry." I mumbled with the look on his face.  

"Don't screw this up or it will be worse than prison." he said as he left the room. 

I gulped as I looked down at my phone to see I have three texts. I grabbed a bag and the correct amount of stuff and walked out to meet the people. I made sure to put my list in the bag as I left, texting Ken on my own phone telling him to meet me at the park. It is far away from the prying eyes of Mark's gang but close enough for me to drive. I might finally be able to get out of this undercover! 

Harry's POV 

"Harry it's time to go!" Liam shouted from the kitchen. 

"Coming!" I said throwing on a sweater and walking out to see all the guys sitting around my table eating my food. "Honestly why did I give you guys a key?" I smiled. 

"Because you always have the best food!" Louis said in between bites from one of my cookies that I made earlier. What? I can cook! Also my cookies are kind of the bomb diggity! 

"You should really need to learn how to cook!" 

"I have been learning!" Niall said, "Mol burns water so I kind of have to! I have mastered spaghetti!" he smiled proudly. 

I laughed as I grabbed my wallet and the boys put their dirty dishes in the sink. I have trained them well. At anyone else's house they would have left them out but I take away their food away when they leave them out here! 

We walked out of the house and into Louis' car. "Are you ready for this?" Niall yelled. 

"Niall, chill. We are just going to a movie!" I smiled. 

"But we haven't been to one in aggggggges!" Niall complained. 

"You went to one with Mollie like a week ago!" Liam laughed. 

"Yeah but not with the guys!" Louis laughed and turned on the radio. We danced and sung all the way to the theater. We all put on hats and sunglasses in the hope of not getting seen. 

We ended up watching the new Iron Man movie. It makes me happy that they are still making these. I mean come on they are absolutely fantastic and Robert Downey Jr. is kind of the best actor ever! 

We munched on popcorn and just had a guys day, something we haven't done in a long time. 

 "Where to now?" Louis asked. This is our first day off in like a month but we have to get back to work tomorrow recording for the new album. 

"Park?" Zayn suggested. 

"DIBS A SWING!" Liam yelled. 

"ME TOO!" Niall smiled.

I rolled my eyes and smiled at my friends. They are really are my best friends! A lot of people say we just pretend because we are in a band and have to get along but they really are the best friends I could ever hope for. It's nice sharing your dream and travailing the world with your four best friends. I couldn't ask for anything better. 

"What if we get seen?" Lou asked beside me as Liam and Niall ran to the swings with Zayn running behind them. 

"Where is your sense of adventure? It's kind of exciting not being sure if you will be seen or not!" I smiled. 

"You know I haven't seen you this happy in a while!" Lou smiled as we sat down under a tree. 

I just smiled at him as Liam came over to sit with us and Zayn stole his swing. The truth is I'm just hoping Charlie will come back soon. 

You know how you never know how much you love something until it is gone? I'm feeling that right now. I knew I loved Charlie before she left but I didn't really know how much. I smiled as Liam and Louis started talking about their double date tonight and I just looked around the park. A little girl was running around trying to catch a butterfly as her parents watched her smiling, ducks were floating in the pond, and a couple sat on a bench. 

I looked more closely at the couple. The man was wearing a hat that covered his hair and sunglasses along with a long sleeve and pants, clothing much to warm to wear in this hot weather, and the girl had long brown hair that looked dyed with a ball cap and sunglasses on. "I'll be right back." I said to Louis and Liam even though they were too into their conversation to care. 

I walked over and starred at the girl. I don't know why but I just feel something. I haven't felt like this since Charlie. It is a feeling I have missed for nearly a year now. My heart rate sped up and my stomach was in knots. I stood beside the slid, the girl too busy talking to notice me, and starred at her. She looked oddly familiar, the way she kept pushing her hair behind her ears and how she tapped her foot on the ground to the beat of whatever song was stuck in her head. I sqinted my eyes and gasped. 

That girl wasn't just some random stranger in a park. That girl was Charlie Parks. 


Hey guys, sorry it's a little short but I love cliff hangers! :) 

OMG I went to a Selena Gomez concert last night! IT WAS AWESOME! Emblem 3 was there and they were really good! :) 

So I hope you like the chapter! :) 



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