chapter 7

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"So Charlie, bowling or dinner?" Harry smiled knowing exactly which one I would pick.

"BOWLING!" I smiled.

"Knew it!" he laughed as he pulled into the bowling lanes. He, after me arguing that I could, paid for our shoes and three games.

"Ok if I knew you were going to beat my ass I would have picked something else!" he laughed as he looked up at the score. 87-68.

"There is a lot you don't know about me!" I winked throwing the ball and scoring yet ANOTHER strike! 

"One sec!" Harry smiled as he pulled out his phone that was ringing.

"Hey Nialler, what's up?"

"Niall what's wrong?" he asked worriedly.

"Took her? Who?"

"Did you call the police?"

"I'm on my way!" I said as tears poured down my face.

"Harry are you ok?" I asked walking towards Harry who had tears pouring down his face.

"Zach and Natalie, they took Mollie. There is blood. Niall called. The police are there!" He cried even harder.

"Come on, we are going!" I said as tears poured down my face. I should be there! I took tonight off! I should be there right now!

We got to the flat, police tape was surrounding the area. Niall was listening to a recording and I saw a puddle of blood on the floor, a completed song sat on the desk.

"Niall?" Harry asked as he approached him.

"Excellent. Now just for extra measures..."


I heard Mollie's voice yell out through the speakers of the phone causing Niall to fall into another burst of tears as he shook violently with sobs. " I love you too Mollie!" he whispered.

"Niall we will find her!" Harry reassured him, putting a hand on his shoulder, the rest of the boys sat across from Niall shaking with sobs, tears running down their faces.

I walked over to Rob and put on an extra police jacket. "Charlie you aren't on duty tonight!" 

"This is my case. I'm finding her." I said sternly. "Get Niall out of here," I said to Harry, "He doesn't need to see this." 

Harry nodded and Zayn and Liam helped him up and lead him out of the room. "You will find her right?" Harry asked looking very worried. 

"I hope so." I said looking at the ground. 

"I love you!" Harry said kissing me before leaving the flat. I took a deep breath and turned to Chad. 

"I want to hear the tape." he nodded before putting on gloves and picking up the phone. 

"They did finger print analyses on the bat and the phone," Chad said pointing to the blood covered bat in the corner. "Mollie's was on the phone and Zach's was on the bat." 

"How do you know the bat impact didn't kill her?" I asked. 

"There wasn't enough blood and, well just listen." Chad said pressing play on the phone. 

"Yeah, me! Now are you coming the easy way or the hard way?" Zach laughed.

"Why exactly do you want me?" Mollie asked.

"Well I want my Niall back, and Zach wants revenge!" I heard Natalie's voice

"Revenge for what?"

"Making me hide out from the cops and go on the run! You heard they almost caught me? Dumb asses didn't think I could run that fast!" 

"Now, come with us or we send people after Niall. Your choice. You. Or Niall" Natalie said.

"Take me, don't hurt Niall! Please!" Mollie begged.

"Excellent. Now just for extra measures..." Zach said.

"NIALL I LOVE YOU!" Mollie screamed. 

"Is she dead?" Zach asked.

"No, just knocked out. Good. Now put her in the car, I don't want to get blood on my cloaths!" I heard Natalie say before everything went quiet except for Zach's grunting as he picked her up. 

"We have to find her." I stated. "Now!" 

"We brought in Detective Martians!" Chad said, "He is questioning Mr. Horan right now." 

I nodded and walked in as Ken told Niall he could go. He nodded to me as he left the room. 

"Ken, glad you are here!" I smiled. 

"Just because I move stations doesn't mean you get rid of me!" He laughed and I gave him a weak smile in return. "This is your case?" he asked. 


"So I take orders from you?" 

"I guess so. Oh how the tables have turned." I smiled. 

"You were friends?" 

"Not before, but we are now." I said. 

"I'm sorry!" 

"It's ok." 

"Are you ok to still work the case?"

"Of course. I have to find her." 

"Ok then Parks. What do I do?" 

"Let's find this son of a bitch!" I said turning around and walking out of the room. 


A week into the investigation and nothing. We searched both Natalie and Zach's houses and found nothing. There is a twenty thousand pound bounty on their head. I even had to miss Courtney's treatment to help with the search. Courtney completely understood and was happy that I was looking for Mollie. 

Courtney is doing better and is back at home with her mom and dad and sister which makes her very happy. 

But still I can't sleep at night, worry fills me all the time. Worried about Courtney and Niall and the rest of the boys but mostly Molly. I can't imagine the pain she is going through right now, if she is even alive. 

I have grown very close to Molly and she is my friend and I can't imagine life without her. Who knew one case would change everything. It changed my friends, my boyfriend and even my niece. No matter what happens meeting them was the best thing that has ever happened to me! 


Hey guys, sorry it's a bit short but it is actally like 1:00 and I really should be sleeping! ;) 

So here is where it starts to mirror Fight For You you should because it will give you way more detail about when Mollie was kidnapped and how both Niall and Mollie were feeling and thinking! :) 

So it is going to start getting intense! Hope you guys like it! :) 

Make sure you comment! :D 



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