Chapter 13

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Charlie's POV 

I was sitting, waiting for Ken to show up, wearing a hat and sunglasses, hopefully no one from Mark's gang will see me, not that they would ever been seen within twenty feet of a park. As I looked around the park I smiled to myself. There was a small girl playing in the sandbox. Her father was helping her build a sand castle as her mother prepared lunch. When the little girl was done her castle and put the final stick on her mother called them for lunch. 

I couldn't help but with that was me. A normal life, a normal job and a normal family. But I will never get that! I will never have that sense of normality. I lost the only man I have ever loved and my only chance to have a family by taking this stupid job. 

Undercover was great for the first few months. It helped me forget my problems and just focus on the task at hand. But I'm starting to miss my old life. I miss the station and Haylee and Erica and Harry and the boys. 

I know I might never move on. After this job what if there is a next? I mean I have nothing to loose by taking another undercover job. I lost Harry, my family and my friends. 

At least I know Harry has moved on. I saw on a magazine I passes a few weeks ago at the grocery store that he has a girlfriend. She is gorgeous, a model for some high class company. The image is still stuck in my head. Her hair perfectly curled with her six inch stilettos and $1000 dress with a diamond necklace and a matching bracelet on the arm she hung off Harry with. 

I sighed as I saw Ken walking over and the small girl put down her sand which to chase a butterfly she saw float by her picnic table. 

"You called." Ken said nonchalantly, sitting beside me on the bench with a smiliar disguise as myself. 

"I have a list of clients." 

"You do?" Ken asked, his eye brows raising above his dark sunglasses. "Good work Parks." he smiled taking the list from my hand.

"I also have the names of everyone working for Mark." I said handing him another piece of paper. 

"How did you get this?" Ken asked, shocked as he continued reading the thirty or so names on the client list I gave him. 

"I told him Tyler was in Scotland and he promoted me." I said, looking around to see five more people have come to the park but not looking hard enough to see what they look like. 

"Smart." Ken mumbled as his eyes scanned the page. 

"When are we doing the arrest?" I asked. 

"Oh," Ken said, his eyes looking up from the page like he forgot I was there. "the day after tomorrow." 

"Ok." Ken stood up and without another word walked away, still looking at the list. 

I sighed as I put my head in my hands. I just want to be done with this job. 

Harry's POV 

I starred at her long after the man left. She just sat there with her head in her hands, thinking. She drummed her fingers against her temple, a sign that she was thinking deeply. 

"Hey Harry, what are you looking at?" Niall popped up behind me making me jump. 

"Charlie." I said as I looked back her. 

"Where is she?" he asked looking around the park. 

I pointed to her sitting on the bench. "Should I go talk to her?"

"She is undercover Harry, I don't think that is such a good idea."

"I just need to hear her voice again." I sighed. 

Niall looked at me with pity in his eyes. He remembers when him and Mollie broke up. I remember it  very clearly. It was months of depression followed by a 'sleep with all the girls' phase and then when he found her he changed. He went back to his normal self. "Go." 

"Do you really think it is a good idea?" 

"Well it doesn't seem like there is anyone around and I can see you need to talk to her. But remember Harry, it's been a year, she might not be the same Charlie you knew a year ago." 

I put a hand on Niall's shoulder and smiled. "Thanks Nialler." 

Niall gave me a small smiled before walking back to the boys who were all sitting under the tree talking. 

I took a deep breath before walking over to the bench. I sat down beside and she looked up, a mix of shock and happiness in her eyes. "Hey Charlie." I smiled. 


Charlie's POV 

I felt someone sit beside me. I looked up, half expecting to see a homeless guy with a long beard and old cloths to be sitting there but it wasn't. It was a boy with curly brown hair and breath-taking green eyes. Harry. I haven't seen him in a year and he still looks like I remember, except for the bags under his eyes. He smiled down at me as I sat up. 

"Hey Charlie." his beautiful voice rang out. 


"It's been a while." he smiled shyly. 

"How did you know it was me?" I was shocked he even recognized me. I died my blonde hair brow, cut it and took on a whole new sense of style to look the part. I look nothing like I did last year. 

"I don't know." he said looking at his feet. "I guess when I saw you I just knew." 

"Harry you can't be here. Did you follow me?" I asked, trying not to look at him, even though it was very hard, in case someone were to see us.

"No, the guys and I are here. Charlie, I miss you." 

"Harry, I miss you too, but I'm under cover right now. If anyone knew I knew you, you would be worse than dead!" 

"It's worth it, just talking to you. You know I still love you right?" 

"What about your new girl friend?" I sneered. 

"I dumped her, she was cheating on me." he said sadly. 

"I'm sorry." 

"It's ok, it's not like I even liked her anyways." 

"Then why did you date her?" 

"She was a distraction." 

"From what?" I asked finally turning to look at him. It is then that I realized how shitty he actually looked. His eyes were cloudy, not filled with life like I remember, he had dark bags under his eyes and you could see his cheek bones. 


"Why would you miss me? I was a bitch." I said looking at my feet, drumming the tune of She Will Be Loved by Maroon Five on the pavement, my grey sneakers almost blending in. 

"Charlie, I love you, and I always will. You weren't a bitch, I took away your choice. It was a dick move and I'm sorry. I know that my chance is gone. I know that you are under cover but I just wanted you to know that I love you more than words can say." he said standing up and walking away. 

"Harry!" he looked back and I walked over to him. "Maybe when I'm done this under cover stuff we could go out for coffee or something?" I asked shyly. 

"I would love to!" he smiled brightly back. 

"Oh and Harry, I love you too." I whispered before kissing his cheek and walked back to my car, smiling to myself. 

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