Night After Night✨

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Saturday December 5th 2012

    I threw my head back as I let the Hennessy slid down my throat. This already my first full bottle and it's only twelve o'clock in the afternoon. I threw on my black master 12s then unplugged my phone from the charger. I zipped up my black hoodie and put my coat over it. This weather is nothing to play with in New York. When we say it's brick it literally feels like your getting hit by cold bricks. I closed my bedroom door and walked down the stairs just to see saw my father laying down on the couch just staring into the ceiling like someone was up there talking to him.

    After Mama died pops been torn, he doesn't talk anymore or anything. Pops was never a alcoholic he just drunk on occasion. But one night when he got too drunk he ended up arguing with Ma. He began smashing her head with a glass bottle and crushing her skull into the wall and with his continuous blows to her face and head, she was later pronounced dead. Later that day her became sober and realized what he did. From that day forward pops has never been the same and has never been sober since then. The man who was my hero and the strongest, most handsomest , caring man I knew changed in a matter of minutes. Of course I still love Pops because before he was a serious alcoholic he was phenomenal father and even afterwards he still treated me good. So it's only right I care for him like he would for me no matter how much I resent him for killing Ma , that's still my father.

    I get a bowl and spoon then grab the cereal and milk. I place all of it on the coffee table infront of the couch where pops was laying on. In all honesty I knew he wasn't going to eat it but still I wish he would.
     "Here pops , if you get hungry just make your bowl of cereal. I gotta go handle some business but i will be back by night time" I say even though I knew he wouldn't respond. He could hear me but it's like something had his mouth sealed shut. I got up off the arm of the couch and went out the door and locked it behind me.

I stepped out and the cold air hit my body. Like I said before New York winters had to be the worst. I mean I never been outside of New York but I just know we got the worst winters. Anything worse than this is unbearable for the human body.

I walked down the block to my bestfriend house and knocked on the door. Me and Tay been joined at the hip since we was in middle school. Tay was always a year older than me and was like a brother to me. His mother died last week due to a shootout and since then he moved out of her house and into a apartment building a street down from mine.

He opened the door and still wasn't dressed I stomped my boots in the hall then stepped in the house and took them off at the door.
    "Wassup with you ? Ain't we supposed to flip this today ?" I said as I picked up the bags of Cocaine and Marijuana  he had on the table in boxes and inspected them. 
    "Yeah Yaya chill lemme just get dressed son" he said as he waved me off and walked into his room. I sat on the couch in the living room and turned on the tv as I scrolled down my Facebook timeline. I hated the silence it was nothing but a reminder and a time to think which I didn't want to do. Thinking lead to me getting in my feelings and I don't have time for that.

A couple minutes later Tay came out his room all dressed and ready. I picked up the brown box that was packed with the drugs and began walk towards the door.

"Yo Yaya I know you you ain't tryna walk out like that come on son fuck is good with you ?" He said as he snatched the box out my hand and walked back into the living room. Tay attitude was getting outta hand but I was letting it slide because of his mom.
  I love that woman like she was my own and I can imagine how Tay feeling. His mother was shot right infront of him in his car while he was bringing her to church. That's something else but that's the world we living in.
I was standing infront of the door with my arms crossed as he came out of the living room with a FedEx box then began placing the brown box inside the FedEx box.

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