I've had enough

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I've had enough of being seen as a nobody I've had enough of people making up rumours about me
I've had enough of the stress
I've had enough of being controlled
I've had enough of people not telling me things and then having to find them out myself
I've had enough of being called fat and Weird
I've had enough of the mental
And physical and emotional tiredness I've had enough of the pressure
I've had enough of the people who expect me to be a role model
I've had enough of the people who are supposed to love me the most and care about me because they seemed to of
Just stopped
I've had enough of being someone's shoulder to lean on with out being asked if its ok
I've had enough of the drama at school
I've had enough of the stress about exams
I've had enough of the fake friends I've had enough.... I just give up because everyone says be who you want to be so you be who you want to be and than get spat on and judged for being yourself I've had enough of the trying to be the good one and not hurt anyone and I have had enough of the bad things that have happened

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