"What a nice necklace.. Mask of Touka-chan, Kaneki-kun and several other people close to you. Is that how you've been able to seen them?" Uta asked me.

"Yes.. Now, I have to go. Hinami-chan is gonna be in trouble, along with Touka-chan and Kaneki-sama. Wish me luck." I answered, leaving to help Kaneki or Touka.

Why didn't they let me help..? None of this would've happened if they just let me help! I thought angrily, running faster than my normal speed.

But, I stopped. I don't know where they are. I need to find out where they are. I can follow their scent. With that, I can know where they are.

Spinning around, my breathing turning into an abnormal one. I didn't know where to start.. Where do I start, damn it?!

"Come on.. Tell me who needs my help the most! Tell me damn it!" I yelled out, my right eye showing me Kaneki, Touka, and Hinami.

I see Touka and Hinami together, in the tunnels. Along with the guy Touka fought with earlier on. She's healed, but this guy wants Hinami.. The last part of her family.

"Like your gift?! I know you miss your folk, but I've collected them all! All but one last member of the family! And all I need is you, my dear!" The dove called out, laughing as Hinami covered herself deeper into the baggage.

"BASTARD!" Touka shouted, her kagune coming out as her eyes started to glow into its kakugan form.

She's pissed off.. Touka is fine without me, as much as I can tell.. But what about Kaneki..

My vision broke into two as I can still see Touka and Hinami while seeing Kaneki.

He ran into the other dove Touka ran into as she killed his friends. Punching, blocking; Kaneki and attacking him. And when he landed a punch onto the guy's chest..he was flipped onto the ground, gasping for air.

"Quite fucking around!" The dove yelled out.

It's gonna be hell.. But, I have to be tough. I can't let him get to them.. I can't! I heard Kaneki think, struggling to get his breathe normal.

"Looks like I have my answer. Don't worry, Kaneki.. I'm on my way!" I muttered, running towards Kaneki's scent.

I put my mask on, running left and right. I just needed to get to Kaneki before anything else happens to him. Or anyone else for that fact.

As soon I was close to Kaneki's scent, I heard him screaming. My eyes widens and I look down from the second floor. Kaneki was rolling away from the dove as he was hit. It made my blood boil seeing Kaneki hurt.

I jumped off the railing, running towards Kaneki to protect him from being hit again.

"Who are you..? A friend of this ghoul and the Rabbit?" The dove asked me.

Come on, tell me what's going on with Touka and Hinami.. I thought, tapping my fingers against Kaneki's chest with my head into his neck.

My vision came in play once more. But, it made me beyond pissed off from what I'm seeing that the dove with Touka is using Ryouko as a weapon, fighting against her.

"You bastards.. Using her mother as a weapon against her, against her friends.. How dare you do that to my friend- to my family? You'll pay.. You'll pay!" I yelled out, running towards the dove I'm facing.

"So, you'll fight against me for the death of that ghoul mother..? Fine by me! Give me your bes-" The dove cut himself shirt as I was already behind him.

The Queen of Them (Kaneki Ken x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now