Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

December came and went and soon it was mid-January. As time went by it got colder and Lia had to use the heater more often than she liked. She wasn’t complaining mostly because she was thankful that she wasn’t in one of those places where it snowed but also because she preferred that over staying at Max’s house. Attie would surprise her ever so often with something a three year old shouldn’t know or shouldn’t say. Lia couldn’t help but think that soon she would have to make plans to send Attie to a preschool. She didn’t know how that was going to happen but she decided that she wouldn’t worry about it yet.

It had been a week since school was back from the Christmas and New Year’s break.Lia hadn’t changed her routine. She went through school like a shadow; she didn’t stand out and didn’t draw any attention to herself. Although it was no way to live, she preferred that than having people meddling in her business. It was a lonely way to live and some days she wished for nothing more than someone who would lend an ear, and maybe a shoulder to lean on. It would never happen, but it was always nice to dream. 

That morning while Lia was on her way to her lonely tree, she noticed something. She wasn’t the kind to stand and gawk but, this scene was an all too familiar scene. Somewhere not too far away from where she stood, a girl was arguing with a guy. Lia was about to shrug it off as an arguing couple, but then she saw the look in the girls eyes. Lia knew that look, it was one she had seen many times before. It was the same look she saw in Attie’s eyes that night her stepfather almost burned her. It was a look of terror. For some reason the girl was afraid of the guy and she was trying to walk away but he kept stepping in her way. Something snapped in Lia and before she could question her actions, her legs propelled her forward, toward the arguing bunch.

“Please stop, I just want to go to my class” the girl was saying

“Come on, don’t be shy, why don’t you come with me. I have something I want to show you” he was looking at her with a hungry look.

Lia had made it to the girl’s side in no time; she pulled the girl behind her before she said “She said to leave her alone, so I suggest you do”

Lia turned around not waiting for the guy’s answer and started pulling the girl away with her. The guy jerked her to a stop, by pulling on her shoulder. He looked puzzled, his head tilted on one side as if he was trying to figure Lia out. Lia cocked an eyebrow, in a what-do-you-want kind of way to which he shrugged and made to grab the girl.

“This is between me and her, why don’t you go to wherever you came from”

“And why don’t you pick on someone your own size?” she responded

Lia was never this bold, and she didn’t know why she cared but it just wasn’t in her to let someone take advantage of another. She really didn’t know how she could defend herself from this guy but after all the abuse she suffered at the hands of her stepfather, she wouldn’t let someone else get hurt if she had a say in it. The girl didn’t utter a word but the guy looked even more baffled, he couldn’t figure Lia out.

“Have it your way” he said as he raised his hands to slap Lia.

“Oh no, you won’t” she said bringing her knees up and kicking him in the one place she knew she could do some damage. His hand was within inches of Lia’s face, but it suddenly dropped as he doubled over in pain. Lia took that moment to grab his chin and make him look her in the eyes.

“You listen, you little dirt bag, this is the last time you’ll ever harass a girl. I’ll make sure of it, I’m tired of people like you taking advantage of the ones with no voice. Next time you better think twice, because you’ll be taking a long trip to a place I’m too sure you don’t want to know about. Right now, me and this nice girl here” she said pointing in the direction of the girl who was looking at her with new found respect “we’re heading to the principal’s office so we can let them know what’s going on. I suggest you use that time to get yourself together.”

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