You smiled at the two. Their love inspired you. Thirteen years of being together and they still couldn't keep their hands away from one another. You wished you could have had that too.

"So, Y/N. How's your love life?"

You rolled your eyes which made the others laugh. "Why do we always end up talking about this?"

"Come on, you're the only single one! You're young and beautiful. Are you telling me there is no one special in your life?"

You dropped your head down to look at your coffee cup, avoiding eye contact as a smile crept upon your lips.

"There is!" Laura squealed. "Oh, look at you. You're blushing!" She cooed as she pinched your cheeks.

You shoved her hands away but couldn't stop smiling, "Laura, please."

"Tell us!"

"Okay, nothing has really happened yet. But there's been some flirting back and forth." You shrugged and took a sip of coffee, waiting to be bombarded with a series of questions.

"How long have you known him?"

"Does he know about Caden?"

"How does he feel about you having a son?"

"How much money does he have?"

"Ellen!" You scolded.

She lifted her hands up in a sign of surrender. "Sorry! But money is important. Why do you think I married a doctor?" She joked and laid her head on her husband's shoulder.

"Because you committed an insurance fraud. When you got caught, I told you I wouldn't tell anyone if you went out on a date with me."

"You were such an ass, Mark." Ellen laughed. "But also charming as hell."

"Swept you off of your feet. Or foot, since you were clumsy enough to get your ankle broken."

"I blame the city for the slippery streets!"

"Of course you do, sweetheart." Mark mumbled and kissed the side of Ellen's head.

There were so many great couples around you who loved each other to death. Oh, how you wished you could have been one of those couples.

"Why don't we get started on that cake and call the kids in here to eat some?"

Your eyes widened, you slapped your palm on your forehead. "Oh, the cake." You muttered. "I'm sorry I have to make a phone call." You excused yourself and went to your bedroom to have a conversation in peace.

You knew just the person to call when you needed something in a short period of time.


You waited for only few seconds when he picked up his phone. "Hello?"

"Pietro! Hi, listen... I forgot to pick up the cake for Caden's birthday party. Do you happen to have the time to go pick it up and bring it to me? I'd owe you."

"Uhm... Now is really not a good time. But I'll send someone else. The cake should arrive in about 30 minutes." He said.

"Okay, thank you."

"You still owe me." You could practically hear Pietro smiling on the other end of the line.

"Yeah? For what?"

"For the other times I've been your delivery boy. So how about some cake—" You hung up before he could finish the sentence.

You walked back to the kitchen and told the other parents that the cake should be there in about a half an hour. The kids could wait that long, for sure.

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