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Firstly, thank you guys for all the birthday wishes. That was very nice of you all. I can't thank you all in comment section so I'm thanking you here.


Ash's POV

I sat there. On a bench near the pool where everyone is having fun. I've made an excuse to everyone that I'm feeling sick.


My vision is nowhere but at Serena, who is checking here phone. Chatting with her 'boyfriend' may I add. This is fuck. 

See now. I've fallen for this girl and she is cheating on me? Who the hell she think she is... but deep inside I can sense that all this is false. She is not cheating. But I won't believe it. I saw it with me eyes

"Hey Ashy boy!" Garry greeted and sat beside me.

"Hi." I greeted him back coldly.

"Are you sure you are sick?"

"What kind of question is this?!" I snapped.

"Hey hey! Calm down. You surely aren't sick. What is it?"

"I'm looking at my girlfriend. What's the big deal??" I asked.

"Dude, you are not looking at her, you are glaring at her.."

I was so fucked up about thing. I guess seeking help from Gary could be the thing to help me right now. I wasted no further time in blurting what happened today. After this, we sat in silence. Or he was thinking over.

"You know what Ash, it doesn't seem to be real. It is clear that it's the person who is behind all what is happening right now. I think we should get behind the scenes before jumping into any conclusions." He said a bit too seriously, staring at the water. It's a bit creepy to be honest.

"So, what are we going to do?" I asked, looking up at him.

"I guess, we need more people with us before we plan anything stupid. But one thing that you have to do is.. behave normally with Serena. Watch her, but don't let her feel what you have seen. If you see her hiding her phone from you, it'll be clear she's cheating." he said in the same tone, spacing out.

"I think we should get May and Drew. The couple might know something." Gary suggested. "Anyways, go to Serena. And don't dare you act stupid." he patted on my back and marched over to Drew.

I sighed and walked over to Serena. "Hey!" I greeted her who was now playing volleyball in water with other girls.

"Hi!" she greeted polietly. It's hard to tell that it's fake or no. She's been like this since forever.

"Don't come in our game. Stand in between and you will be counted as our net since we don't have." Misty ordered and I sighed standing in between. There is no way I can deny her.

Standing between them was like a punishment. Ball was hitting me from every where. My head, nose and even my butt. Serena was getting tensed on every hit, can't tell if it is fake.

I saw drew calling me over him from a distance. My face lightened up a bit to see that I was finally getting a chance to get out. I know that Gary has stuffed his mind with the detail and was now sharing his advice.

I moved a step until I was paused by Misty. "What? Net doesn't move." She said, earning a giggle from Dawn, after which me and Serena turned to glare at her.

"Net has to move when it has work somewhere else. I mean, Drew is calling me." I said a bit stern.

"Alright. Then girls, I think we should call it a game and do some more slides.." I walked away, not eavasdropping them.

I sat with them in another pool, feeling water till the chin.

"I think, the best thing to do is check her phone. You are sure you read only that much?" Drew asked and I nodded in reply.

"That's what the thing is. You read two texts. Only. And you jumped to the fact that she is cheating on you." That's right.

"So, what are we going to do now?" Gary asked and Drew spoke immidiately.

"May. She is the closest to Serena, other than Ash of course. She can ask Serena for her phone, pretending that her is dead and she wants to make call to her mom. She can sneak in the washroom stall for 'talking' but actually she will be cheking on what's up with the text. She can send us screenshots for proof. After that we can see what we can do." Drew blabbered. It was a good plan actually.

"Sounds like a plan." Gary said and I agreed with him.

"Serena's phone! Here we come!" Gary yelled and I immidiately kep a hand on his mouth before anyone here supects anything.


Sorry guys, I know it took me forever to update. I had no internet at the time. Sorry.

50 comments. Let's see how far you guys can go for next chapter!!~

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