Jungkook scratched his head and smiled sheepishly. "Tae asked me to get something from his drawer. Also, Yoongi-hyung is still in his room and I am tasked to call him."

Jimin nodded and wondered if what Jungkook was saying was true.

The younger boy pinched Jimin's nose playfully. "I know you're stressed with what's happening, hyung. But we are bulletproof remember?"

The older boy smiled, eyes turning into crescent moons. It was his second genuine smile today.

Thanks to his two dongsaengs.

Jimin sighed, but not heavily this time. All this pep talk from the other members seemed to lighten up his mood and erase the heaviness of his heart.

"Because of what you said, I'll volunteer to call Yoongi for you. You can get what Tae needed and go back immediately."

Jungkook nodded cheerfully, entering the room in a rush.

As for Jimin, he walked down the hallway towards Yoongi and Jin's room. His hyung was probably sleeping. No, scratch that, his hyung was surely sleeping.

With that thought, Jimin did not bother knocking and just opened the door.

However, when he did open the door, he found out that he was utterly wrong. Yoongi was not sleeping. In fact, he's wide awake. His hyung was seating in front of his laptop, watching something with his earphones plugged to his ears.

Yoongi was facing the door, therefore he was facing Jimin. The only thing that Jimin could see was half of Yoongi's body and the back of the screen of the laptop.

Jimin observed his hyung silently. Yoongi was so immersed in watching whatever he was watching that he did not notice Jimin's presence at all.

His hyung's face was straight and blank, but his eyes wore an intense look that Jimin could not quite describe. Yoongi was also biting his lower lip and his hands clutched tightly to his bed sheets.

Jimin tilted his head. What could it be that his hyung was watching?

Jimin had always been very curious. He was like a cat. He was almost tempted to quietly walk around and take a sneak peek of what Yoongi was watching, but then he realized that he could just simply ask Yoongi. After all, it's not like Yoongi was gonna hide it anyway, right?

But as usual, Jimin was wrong.

"Hyung-ah! What are you watching? Can I join?" Jimin asked as he walked towards Yoongi.

To Jimin's astonishment, Yoongi got startled upon hearing Jimin's voice.

He quickly looked up from what he was watching, panic clear in his eyes. And before Jimin could even take another step towards him, Yoongi immediately slammed close his laptop, creating a loud bang.

Both boys cringed at the noise, but Yoongi's face was more of a regretting look as he probably came into realization that he could have very well damaged his laptop, more like destroyed it permanently actually.

Jimin pouted. "What were you watching?" He asked again as he approached Yoongi.

Yoongi securely placed both of his hands on his laptop and gave Jimin a scowl. "Aish, none of your business Chim Chim. What do you need anyway?"

Jimin plopped down beside Yoongi and raised his eyebrow at the closed, and now probably permanently damaged, laptop.

"Whoa hyung! Don't tell me you're watching porn?!"

Yoongi rolled his eyes. "Only swagless people watch porn Jiminie."

"Oh really? Then why is that?" Jimin asked skeptically.

"It's because they lack swag so much they can't do what they want in real life so they just settle on watching it through a dumb 2D version."

Jimin gave Yoongi a disbelieving look. "You mean to say that since you have a lot of swag then...you've also done that many times already?"

Yoongi smirked. "Why do you think I wanted the free condoms?"

In hearing this, the younger boy's eyes widened and his mouth hung open, very much scandalized at his hyung's words.

Yoongi chuckled and punched Jimin's arm lightly. "That was just a joke, Chim. Don't take it seriously."

Jimin then glared at his hyung. Aish, why was it that Yoongi could always easily fool him?

"Whatever hyung. The stylist-noonas are calling us already, so get your lazy ass moving because we're the only ones left behind."

"Yes, sir!" Yoongi answered mockingly as he slowly stood up to follow the retreating back of Jimin.

"And make sure there's no virus in that porn, hyung. Many of our music drafts are in your laptop. It would mean end if all of those are corrupted," Jimin said, smirking at his hyung.

"Oh but there was already a virus, Jiminie!"

Jimin's eyes widened.

"It came, hacked into my life, and corrupted every last bit of my sanity. Now I'm just left with my up-side-down world, all messed up, and painfully confused," Yoongi said, tone dripping with drama as he exaggeratedly placed his hands on his chest.

The younger boy raised one eyebrow at his hyung's antics, pretending to be skeptic. It's quite rare for his hyung to be dramatic, so Jimin was having the time of his life.

Yoongi then smiled his gummy smile that Jimin so loved. "By the way, it's called Park Jimin Virus."

Jimin felt himself flush and threw his hyung a half-hearted scowl.

"Shut up, hyung."

Oh but it's true Jiminie. You've been doing that to all of us for a long time now. And there's no anti-virus that could help.

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