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I stomped away from the car as soon as I'd gotten out. Convel said something but I ignored him and marched up the pathway to my house. I almost reached the stairs when a rough hand clamped down on my shoulder and whirled me around so quick it almost made me dizzy.

"Don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you." Convel said and his eyes blazed red when I shrugged nonchalantly.

"You don't tell me what to do." I spat back and he growled softly. The rumble seemed to vibrate in my own chest and I was shocked at the weird, intrusive feeling.

"Listen here, I do tell you what to do because I'm your mate. You're supposed to listen." Convel snarled. The veins in his neck bulged and I scoffed.

"Well maybe I don't want to be your mate." I spat and instantly regretted it. Convel's eyes turned pitch black and he pulled me flush against him with such force I yelped. Tingles shot through me and I felt Convel's hands gripping my waist harshly his fingers digging into my shirt and skin. I gasped at the pain and he only growled and pushed his head in the crook of my neck. His breath was hot on my skin as his lips grazed my flesh sending more tingles throughout my body and I almost moaned in pleasure. I felt his teeth graze my skin and all thoughts of pleasure died and was replaced by fear.

"You will do as told!" Convel whisper yelled in my ear and I flinched at its powerful anger. I suddenly grew disgusted by his touch and I by some miracle pulled myself free of his grasp.

"Don't you touch me!" I spat at him and he narrowed his eyes as he glared at me. His fists clenched and he took a step toward me.

"You dare pull away from me and raise your voice?" Convel growled and I sneered at him.

"Yeah I dare! Now move I'm going inside." I retorted and made my way towards the front door. The vampire let out a deep animalistic sound and wrapped me on his arms again. I gulped and squirmed in his hold.

"You go nowhere until I say so." Convel grunted and I grimaced and shook my head.

"Let me go." I whined. Convel only growled and pulled me closer.

"What's going on here?" A deep familiar voice said and I let out a relieved sigh. Convel immediately let me go and stepped back as I turned to my stepdad, heck forget that "step" thing, I turned to my dad. He looked at us with furrowed eyebrows and I opened my mouth to talk but Convel beat me to it.

"I have a confession, I'm actually twenty-five and when I told her she kind of freaked out. That's what was happening." Convel said giving me a sharp look and turning his gaze on my dad and giving him a half smile. I gaped in shock. Twenty-five?!

"Twenty-five? And you're trying to be with my daughter? I knew you looked older. Kay come here." My dad said glaring at Convel and motioning me to come to him. I started to walk away and the vampire let out a low rumble from deep in his chest and for a second I paused. My father apparently didn't hear the noise and I made it to him. He gave me a look and turned back to the door laying his hand on my shoulder as he led me inside. We didn't even make it to the door before he was ripped away from me and I gasped.

I turned sharply to see Convel dragging him away like he was nothing.

"Don't you touch her! She's not yours!" Convel snarled and tossed my dad like he was a trash bag to the ground. I felt a scream burst out of my throat and I rushed forward to shield my dad as Convel stepped toward him.

"Stop it! I swear if you hurt him I'll never forgive you!" I yelled at my mate. Convel let out a frustrated snort and crossing his arms as he stepped back away from us. His red eyes faded into the regular blue they were.

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