Rob and I hear a car door slam. I can't see who it is from Rob's window so I run downstairs to see. When I get there it's only Ben who appears, with a nice black eye too. 

"Whoa! What happened dude?" I ask staring at his swollen eye. He doesn't answer until we are back in Rob's room. Rob comes over when his sees the state of Ben's face.

"My piece of shit Dad finally noticed that we have been jacking booze and he went off on me. I told him to fuck off while I was walking away so he pushed me into the corner of the wall." Ben goes to Rob's mirror and touches his eye. 

"My mom gave me a ride here, told me to stay the night cause my dad needs to cool off," Ben says grimacing. 

"Here man, you definitely need this right now. Sorry you got in trouble," I say sincerely, handing him the tequila. He takes a big sip and grimaces.

"Man tequila is nasty," Ben says and we all laugh.

I look at my phone and it's only five-thirty. I wish time would move faster. I'm anxious for Elly to get here. I need a distraction.

"Hey Rob, you got any cigs?" I ask. Rob answers by holding out a pack. "Wanna go smoke in the barn?"

Rob nods and we head out to the barn. The barn is back a ways on his parents property so it's good for partying and what not. We usually smoke outside of the barn because Rob is paranoid that if we smoke inside then it will catch on fire. It is close to spring so it's warm and I don't really mind smoking outside.

We smoke a cig and then we sit around enjoying the spring warmth. I love nature, it can be really calming. One of Rob's cats come towards me, mewing softly. An orange tabby named Juice. I scratch between her ears because if I pet her back she tries to bite me. Juice rubs her head on me and leaves bits of her fur behind. Cat hair is the worst to get off clothes, especially when the clothes rarely see a washer. I know it's gross, but I only have a limited amount of resources at my disposal. 

I look at my watch, it's five-fifty, I'm anxious for Elly to get here. She makes me feel, I don't know, light. It's crazy, I barely know her and she's making me feel all out of sorts. 

"Is Elly coming?" Ben asks while picking at the grass. 

"Yeah, at six, she's got some work to finish." I get up off the ground. "Should be here any minute."

"I haven't done homework since middle school," Ben laughs and Rob joins him. 

"I'm gonna go check to see if she's here." I turn around to walk to the driveway and I run right into Elly.

"I'm glad you all were so eager for me to arrive!" Elly pats my head and walks past me. "Is this the party? Seems a bit boring, good thing I've got a little something to spice it up." She grabs something out of her sweatshirt and holds it out.

"Are those LSD tabs? Fucking sweet!" Ben says and we come in for a closer look. I'm confused.

"Where did you get this Elly?" How did she even know where to look? This stuff is rare and expensive around here.

"One of my mom's boyfriend's left it at the house so I took it. He's an asshole anyway." Elly shrugs. I'm worried but she doesn't seem to be, so I guess no harm done. I just hope the guy doesn't come back looking for it. Elly gives us each a tab.

"Tastes like earwax," I say, frowning. I swallow the tab because I can't handle the taste.

"I know, I took a couple before I left!" Elly says and we all look at her.

"Elly you drove while on acid? And you've had three tabs already counting right now?" I say pretty concerned but Elly just laughs and shrugs.

"I'm fine, don't I look fine?" She does, she's wearing dark red skinny jeans and a flowery red sweatshirt, her hair is down and curly.

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