Chapter 41 The call of home

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"Milan, just wait!!" Matthew followed Ramiro around the house as the young man gathered his scarce possessions. "You can't leave now. It is the middle of the night!"

"She lives," Ramiro gritted through his teeth. His Lenka was alive and some filthy gadje had been touching her. He was going to kill the man.

"I know you want to go to her, but it won't do anyone any good if you fall and break your neck in the forest in this darkness," Matthew tried to reason with him, "at least wait until daybreak."

"Matthew is right," Bonny tried to reason, "and you'll travel faster during the day." Her heart was aching for the young man. To have believed the one you loved to be dead only to find out they weren't. And he might never have known if George hadn't spoken up.

Ramiro sighed in frustration and raked a hand through his hair. The reasonable part of him knew what they were saying made sense, but all he could think of was Lenka. His Lenka in the hands of some... some rich gadje man.

There was a knock on the door and Matthew went to answer it. He was surprised when George was on the other side. "May I come in?" George asked hesitantly. He cast a wary glance in Ramiro's direction, afraid of being attacked again.

"You!" Ramiro hissed and he advanced on the man with sturdy steps.

George flinched and held up his hands in defense. "Hey now, I am here to help."

"How will you help?" Ramiro spat, "you, who have attacked my sister, killed my little cousin and chased away my wife?!"

George trembled and hung his head in shame. "We never meant for that to happen. We only meant to..."

"Chase us away?" Ramiro finished for him, "why? When have we wronged you? We mind our own business. We do no one harm!"

"Forgive me," George said. He fell to his knees. "It was wrong."

Matthew's eyes had hardened on hearing the tale. George had done that? Someone had died? "What do you want George Filcher?" he said icily, "why did you come?"

"The shortest way to Blackwood is towards the South and through the forest. A man on horseback will take two days. Avoid the village. They won't hesitate to attack again."

"Nor will I," Ramiro said coldly. He turned around and continued gathering his bags.

Matthew narrowed his eyes at George. "I think it's best you leave now. I will bring your sled sometime tomorrow."

George rose to his feet and nodded. He cast one last glance at Ramiro and then walked away.

Matthew closed the door and turned to Ramiro and Bonny. His wife had sunk down on a chair and held a hand against her chest.

Matthew walked up to the cabinet and took out a small object. He turned to Ramiro and pressed the object in the man's hand. "Here," he said, "you'll need some coin to tie you over."

"I cannot take your money," Ramiro protested.

Matthew shook his head sadly. "It is money you have earned. I know you have left your family. I don't know if you will go back, but when you find your wife, you will need to support her. People don't like your kind, so take this until you can provide for her and yourself. Just know that you can always come back here."

"Please take care of yourself, Milan," Bonny said softly, "I hope you find her. I wish you both happiness."

Ramiro swallowed and nodded at her as he pressed Matthew's hand. They had been good to him and he could never begin to repay them for their kindness. No matter what would happen from now on, he would not forget them. "I thank you," he said to them both, "but it is Ramiro. My name is Ramiro."

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