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*quite mature*
How old are you guys by the way? I'm always afraid of adding something into my stories that might ruin a child's innocence..if you know what I mean. Idk

Music room
Noah's PoV
"Hey No! DUDE! I got you something.."
Huh? What? I quickly turned round from stretching at the bar to see a happy looking James approach me.
" Something special going on?.."
Ah. So that's it! I know what's he's going on about...mine and Richelle's anniversary. He punched me on the shoulder, giving me a wide grin.
I replied blankly. He looked at me with excitement before pulling us over to a corner of the music room.
"Well I know that today can spur some emotions and well...well I got you these.."
He said cockily. What? I looked down to see him cautiously look around the room in search of people before pulling something out of his pocket and placing it in my hands. Something shiny. Square. Small...shit! Condoms! He got me condoms! I could feel my eyes widen in shock. James put a hand in my shoulder.
"Hey dude! Don't worry. There are only as a precautionary incase things get out of hand tonight and you can't control yourselves. Now what you need to do is tear open the packaging, pull out the condom and place it over yo-"
Oh god! Stop. I place a hand over his mouth.
"Ugh stop man! I do not need a step to step guide on how to put on a condom. I've done it be.."
Fuck! Ugh I said a little too much there. James looked at me with surprise.
"Done it before....did you say? Spill dude! I need to know the details. Who was the lucky lady?.."
He asked, wiggling his eyebrows. Really? How could he not guess who it was? I mean we have been going out for a year. I cocked my eyebrows at him.
"You being serious?"
I asked in disbelief. He looked at me in confusion.
"Duuudee! You can be so dim sometimes."
I said flicking him on the forehead. He jumped back in shock, his eyes widening and moving frantically.
"Why did you do that? Wait! What? Who is it?"
How does Riley cope? I look at him with disbelief before crossing my arms.
"Think about it and Richelle..yeah"
I said slowly. I watched as a look of realisation came upon his face. His mouth opened wide and he clicked his fingers
"Oh! I know! Richelle! You had sex with Richelle.."
He said loudly. Not so loud dude! Anyone could walk past. Ugh I'm just thankful that he had processed the information given and said a reasonable answer.
"When did you and Richelle...ya it?"
He asked teasingly. Should I give him the straight up answer or let him figure it out by himself? Actually now that I think of it, both reactions would be funny. I grasped the condom in my hand before slamming it into his hands. I put a hand on his shoulder and one on the palm holding the condom.
"Well..lets just say...uh are nine months to late."

Very very short chapter with bromance between James and Noah. I've figured I really like writing this kind of exchange between them. Also I know it didn't really have much Nochelle in it and for that I apologise, the idea just came to me and I knew I had to write it. Enjoy

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