Costumes and cameras

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*not Nochelle based*
I have tried and tried to write a new one-shot for the past few weeks and I haven't been able to. This is not entirely Nochelle based its more of a piece of fluff I wrote about regionals. I have to admit it's pretty bad. Just warning you! Hopefully I should get my passion for writing one-shots back again.

9 July 2016
23 March 2020

LaTroys PoV
"So umm...explain this to me again. Why are we dressed like this?"
I asked blankly. I glanced once more down my body before looking over to Riley. She stood front and centre of a large line comprised of the participates of A troupe. After hearing my voice she turned to look over to me-her eyes glistening with mischief.
"Why? I thought I explained my reasonings quite well. These-"
She flew her hand over us before staring once more.
"-are your costumes for regionals. What's wrong? Do you not like them?"
Like them?'s not the case of liking them it's more of what the others competitors might think when they see us. I mean...look at us! We look ridiculous! What was she thinking?
"Riley? Are you sure that these are our costumes?"
Asked Piper apprehensively. She walked forward a little. Her costume's tail dragging against the floor. Oh god! She looked even more ridiculous than I did! Riley looked up and down her before letting out a big smile.
"Of course I'm sure! Do you really doubt my decisions?"
She asked with a laugh. Okay! Something is definitely not right here. She must be playing a prank on us. There is no way we are going to regionals looking like this. Piper let out a huff.
"Okay, I give up! There is no way I'm wearing this any longer. I'm getting out of this costume. NOW!"
Piper exclaimed passionately. I watched as she detached the head of her outfit, dropping it ungracefully on the floor. It fell with a bang, the foam, large teeth of the dinosaur head bending as it made contact with the hard wood. I did say her costume was weird. I watched once more as she undid the buttons of the of the dinosaur suit, tearing it open and kicking her feet out of it. With one last stomp on the garment, she waltzed sassily over to the bench before sitting down in a huff. Well...that was eventful.
      She's right though! I would repeat her action with the same destain, unfortunately my costumes a little harder to get off. I turned to stare at myself once more in the mirror. However hard I tried to look down at my costume, I couldn't. is that this costume seemed to have gotten worse the longer I stare at it. The big oval body, the long black legs that were a constant hassle to not only me but everyone. Anytime I moved they would hit someone in the face. I was dressed as many peoples worst fears. They even had a name for it. Arachnophobia. I was a freaking spider! A spider! Now do you see why I was having trouble believing what Riley had told me. The best of it is, mine is not even the worse. I mean sure, Pipers dinosaur costume was bad and so was my spider one but you should really see Henry or even Cassie!
     I turned to look at them, luckily they were both stood next to each other, grumbling under their breaths about the awful garments they were wearing. Cassie was dressed as something you would see out in your garden. A tree! The long trunk, covered her figure making it hard for her to bend or even sit. A large head piece covered in leaves and twigs was placed upon her head. She looked...well...ridiculous. If I was being honest with you, although I am filled with nothing but sorrow for the girl, there is a part of me that wants to let out a little laugh at her uncomfortable state.
I turned my head to Henry. He sat beside Cassie carefully miming a situation he had experienced. His costume was what only I could describe as..peculiar. As you may have noticed Riley seemed to have picked out animal costumes. Well...apart from Cassie...and Amanda. She was dressed as a flower. A spider. A dinosaur. And now..a hedgehog. Yeah you heard right. The long spikes which covered most of his costume were mostly centred round to the back. His all-in-suit was comprised of spikes on the back, a soft tuft of fur around his belly and of course a hilarious pair of brown tights. I supposed his costume kind of fits him.
As I looked around the room once more, I couldn't help but notice a familiar pattern. Animals. Apart from the few I had already mentioned. Skylar was dressed as a ladybug. Amy a fox. Sloane a dog. Michelle a mouse. And lastly Alfie a cat. All in all it would be presumed that Riley was going for wildlife theme for our regionals routine. Or so that's what you would think.
There they stood, in the middle of the studio. Richelle's hair tied back into two ponytails at the nape of her neck. Her small frame was covered by a blue cheerleading outfit, while her legs were shrouded by white knee length socks. Noah however stood beside her, dressed in blue trousers and top, while also wearing white socks. They were cheerleaders. Cheerleaders? Why the fu-? It's been confusing me for a while now. And probably everyone else also. I should probably ask Riley.
I ask, hoping she would hear me. Thankfully she did, turning me in expectation.
I point to Richelle and Noah. They flinch back in confusion, furrowing their eyebrows.
"-are they dressed as cheerleaders. When the rest of us-"
I flicked a hand to the rest of us, watching as they turned to face me.
"-are dressed as animals and freaking nature?!"
I asked inquisitively. It is pretty weird. Have most of the team dressed as nature while they are completely different.
Said Riley, clapping her hands together. She walked forward and put her arms around Noah's and Richelle.
" original plot line for the routine was that Noah and Richelle would be getting back from a cheerleading practise when suddenly...BAM!!"
She yelled. Oh god, that scared me!
"A group of animals would come out of the trees, dance around them, entrancing them. They would follow them into the deep dark forest.."
He threw a hand over to Cassie and Amanda. Is that why they were plants?
"..where there they would then be eaten alive by the animals and become apart of the animal cult"
She chimed, a bright smile beaming on her face. the fu-? I turned to look around only to find that everyone else was looking at her with confusion also. What the bloody hell is she on about? An animal cult?
"Riley? Are you alright? Did anything happen yesterday? I don't know...maybe involving a wall and your head?"
Asked Henry, tapping on his head. Do you think? I mean it is possible she could have slight concussion. No sane person could come up with an idea for a regionals dance like that!
"What do you mean?.."
She asked confused. Really Riley? Ugh. My turn to speak.
"Have you gone mad?!"
I asked her bluntly. There was no point beating around the bush. The rest of A troupe nodded their heads, in agreement of the question. Riley's mouth dropped closed for a moment as she stared at us is sorrow.
" don't like it?"
She asked sadly. She can't se serious? She's getting sad because we don't agree with her stupid regionals idea? Oh god. This must be the side affect of James leaving her...she goes mad. Riley started to sniffle, looking down at the floor before wiping at her cheek.
"Oh Riley...don't cry."
Soothed Piper. Her tough demeanour fades as she wakes towards Riley, placing a comforting hand on her back.
"I didn't mean it, I love my costume-honest!"
She reprimanded, trying to take back her previous actions. Riley let out a wail, her shoulders shaking up and down at a rapid speed. To be almost looked fake. Her wails kept getting louder and louder until finally she snapped...and..and started...laughing? Can I get any more confused? First the freaking costumes, then the regionals idea, then the crying and finally..the laughing. What is wrong with this day?
     I watched as Riley, dropped to the floor as tears leaked from her eyes. Her face was red, as she continued to giggle. I looked around only to see everyone had the same matching expressions of confusion. What?
" can come..come out now.."
She announced between laughter. James?! James is here?! I quickly started to look around, until finally I spotted him lurking in the office, a wide grin on his face. In his hands he held a video camera. Wait! Oh please god, don't tell me he recorded us in these stupid outfits. He walked out of the office and over to Riley, lifting her up onto her feet. She clutched onto him as she continued to giggle continually.
"Haha, that was amazing! Brilliant acting, baby!.."
Said James with a smile, hugging her tightly to his chest.
"James?..what are you doing back? You said two weeks! Not today"
Replied Piper excitedly, running towards him. James let go of Riley, to pick up Piper, swing her around and place her back on the floor.
"The competition got moved, so we were allowed to come home earlier. Eldon and West are here too. Come out guys!"
Yelled James. I turned my eyes to the office once more, watching as Eldon and West sauntered out to join James.
"Yo dude! We got you guys good!"
Announced West casually.
"Ugh, you have no idea how glad I am to be back. Normal toilets, no freaking bidets. All is good..."
Sighed Eldon, closing his eyes and taking a deep breath-trying to get the scent.
"Still smells the same-sweat and perfume! My favourites"
Said Eldon, opening his eyes to stare around at us. He stopped at me, looking me up and down.
"Great job with costumes Riley! How did you come up with the idea?"
Asked Eldon inquisitively. Riley turned from James to answer him.
"Oh you just came to me in a dream. Probably drew inspiration from that horror movie I watched now that I think about it.."
Replied Riley, looking down in thought-her eyebrows furrowed. I watched as Eldon, looked around again before stopping at Noah and Richelle.
" two. There's something different about you two.."
He announced. What? What does he mean? I've spent everyday with them for the last few months and I haven't noticed anything different. I looked over at them, their faces were turning slightly pink. Huh?
Asked Richelle softly, coughing slightly at the end.
"You...seem different. Matching clothes, sitting next to each other. When we left you hardly spoke to one another."
Umm he's right. They have seemed a little closer lately.
"Plus..there is something on Richelle's neck-looks like a hickey and..and..and"
Ugh spit it out will you?!
"Noah called me in England for advice on how to ask out Richelle.."
Replied Eldon casually at the end. Dude! Why didn't you just say that at the start. It would have saved a lot of anticipation.
Feigned Noah in annoyance. Oh dude. That is probably the worst ways I've heard someone announce they are in a relationship.
"Eldon. We were trying to keep it a secret.."
Said Richelle softly, her face red. Eldon just shrugged his shoulders and let out a little 'sorry'. So...Noah and Richelle huh? Well that was expected. Hey, I've only been at The Next Step a few months and even I know about the bet on Noah and Richelle. Everyone from freaking miss Kate to the little baby ballet people ship it.
"Okay..enough about Nochelle."
Piped up Sloane. I watched as Noah and Richelle were about to speak up about their ship name but were quickly cut off.
"What's with the camera?"
She asked inquisitively, glancing over to the black camera in James hands. He lifts it up, stares at it before letting out a laugh.
"Oh that!.."
He laughed off.
"Well once we heard that we were coming back, we thought it would be best to surprise you guys. But then I thought...what's the point in surprising people when there expressions will disappear in less than an hour? So we decided to record it. Then...a few days ago Riley was talking to me about these weird costumes she found in the back of a supply closet so I came up with an idea. Dress you guys up and records your reactions. And by God were they brilliant! Haha.."
Laughed James, slapping a hand on his knees. Okay! I admit it. They got us good.
"Yo dude. You got us!"
Replied Henry, a wide smile evident on his face. He really did. One thing is troubling me though...what's he going to do with footage? I stepped forward to catch his attention.
"Hey James! What are you going to do with the video?"
I asked inquisitively. He looked down at the camera before over to Riley and then back to me.
"Don't even worry about it"
He replied causally. Umm..somehow I'm not convinced.
"I'm only going to put it on YouTube. Should be a hit. Don't you think?"
He replied cheekily. What?! No. No, he can't! We'll be laughing stocks! And just when I thought James coming back would be a good thing.

Ugh. I'm ending it there. This was all a bit random. I hoped you were able to follow along with it! Haha no but seriously this is bad.
2354 words

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