Richelle! Get out of my car..

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I hope you enjoy reading this one shot as much as I liked writing it ❤️

Noah's PoV
"Richelle! What are you doing?!"
I yelled out, staring at her through the tinted window of my brand new car. For there she sat, pretty as a picture in the passenger seat with her feet placed upon the dashboard and a smirk planted firmly on her face. How? How the hell did she get in there? For what I knew my keys were still in the pocket of my jeans. Or were they?..
I quickly dug into the front pocket, digging my way through old change and chewing gum wrappers, looking desperately for my keys. Shit! Ugh. They're gone. I looked forward to the passenger window only to see Richelle dangling my collection of silver keys from her index finger, swinging them teasingly back and forth. Oh she is good..
I feel my heart sink in annoyance as I leaned my elbows upon the top of my brand new red paint job. Throwing my head down into my arms I couldn't help but let out a groan. Great. Just great. How the bloody hell am I supposed to get home, if she has locked herself inside?
"Have'n a little trouble there dude..."
Mumbled a voice from me beside me, letting out a laugh. Huh? Who is that? Quickly tumbling out of my arms I stared towards the source of the voice. Oh this is just brilliant? I couldn't help but mutter sarcastically. There stood only a few feet in front of me was the newly formed A Troupe. While some faces held looks of sympathy and confusion. One or two(I won't mention who) was struggling to hold their smiles and giggles. Why did they have to turn up now? Why couldn't they have turned up later when Richelle would be sitting complacently beside me happily. What? There's no way I'm coming out of this without offering her a lift home.
"Oh no, everything is just dandy..."
I snapped sarcastically, grumbling under my breath. I watched as they flinched back in shock from the harshness of my voice. Okay...maybe I was a little mean. I mean it's not my fault...I'm annoyed. Frustrated. Tired. And really just want to get home to sleep. Ugh.
I let out a groan, before placing a hand over my eyes using the pad of my thumbs to wipe them.
"I'm sorry for snapping at you guys...I'm just tired and really really annoyed.."
I say softly at first, then my voice starts to rise and I can't help but turn to direct the last few words towards Richelle harshly. Although concealed by a piece of glass she still managed to hear what I had said. Her response....a wide smile and eyes glistening, obviously relishing in the fact that she was getting me hot and bothered. Hold it in Noah! You can't have her seeing you getting so easily annoyed, she'll gloat for ages.
"Umm Noah?.."
Says a voice apprehensively. I turn around on one heel to stare at the figure.
"I know this may seem like a stupid question...but umm why exactly has Richelle locked herself in your new car?..."
Asks Cassie cautiously. Oh where do I begin to tell her the reason why? I let out a sigh, mentally preparing myself for the long story to come.
"Well...I guess I should start at the beginning..."

Pleaded Richelle, tumbling beside me trying to keep in step with my walking. Why? Why continue to pester me, when I already told!
"No Richelle! I'm not doing it!"
I say forcefully, pushing her softly aside when we came to a halt beside our cubbies.
"Oh please Noah! It's only for one night and then that's it...everything will be forgotten about and buried beneath ground, never to be spoken about again.."
She said persistently, placing a hand upon my upper arm. Ugh. I pulled out a pair of socks before reluctantly looking up at her. Bad idea! For there she stood, at her petite height and stature looking up at me with her soft green eyes, small and begging. Her mouth formed into a perfect little frown. I shouldn't have looked. I can't be sucked up into her madness...I can't pretend to be her boyfriend at a family dinner. Yes! That is actually the reason she is by my side, pleading like a dog who wants treats. All because she told her family a little white lie that escalated too far and now is tumbling out of proportion.  
      In all fairness, I would help her out but...ugh you are going to hate me for this. There's is a very important match on tv tonight and I'm afraid...well I'm afraid I can't miss it. It's the biggest thing that has happened to this team since the 1960's. It can't be missed!
"I told you Richelle...I would if I could, but I can't. I also have a family dinner tonight..."
I lied, scratching the back of my head. Crap! She's bound to notice I was lying. I always scratch the back of my neck when I lie. I can't help but look down at her hesitantly to judge her reaction. She stood with her arms crossed in front of her chest and her eyebrow cocked in disbelief. I don't think she bought it...
She said blunt and cold. She uncrossed her arms and stood up on her tippy toes. She gripped her hands to the fabric of my blue shirt and hoisted herself up until we were face to face and nose to nose.
"But I'm not giving up that easily..."
She whispered confidently, her breath hitting against my lips. I felt her hands drift down my shirt a little as she moved forward and leaned into my ear.
"Enjoy the match tonight...Noah. What a great friend you turned out to be.."
She said coldly, falling back slightly to stare directly into my eyes. she knew about the match then...crap! I couldn't help but feel my heart drop a little at the harshness and choice of words. She was mad! And it was my fault..
     I watched as she dropped down from her tippy toes and released her grip on my shirt. With one last menacing look in my direction she slowly walked out of the entrance of the studio, wagging her hips as she did so. What have I gotten myself into?
End of flashback

As I finished up my last few sentences, the air outside grew thick and windy.
"Wait! So let me get the basics of your reason.."
Said Henry, walking forward and extending his hands out in front of him.
"Richelle wanted you to pretend to be her fake boyfriend at a family dinner because she told them you-"
He said pointing towards me.
"-were her boyfriend. But you can't do it because you have a-"
He did some air quotes
"- 'family dinner' you have to intend, when in fact you don't and the real reason you don't want to go is because there is a match on tonight that you can't miss.."
He said cautiously. Yea...that's about the basics. I nodded my head towards him, indicating that he was right. He stared at me with his eyebrows furrowed in confusion.
"Nope! I still don't understand.."
He said dimly, placing a hand on his forehead in frustration.
"You forgot about the part where he lied and won't complete a simple task to help out his best friend..."
Piped up a voice from behind me. Richelle! I quickly turned around only to see that she had her head planted firmly out the window and was listening to every word that had been said. Hey wait! This is a good opportunity..
Hastily racing forward, I made a desperate plunge for the window. However, quick to her senses Richelle saw through my plan and rapidly pulled the window to a close. The result? face planting the glass. Ouch! Fuck! Ugh. I was so close. I slammed the heel of my hand on the window-annoyed before placing them on the back of my head and walking around in circles. I leant my head against my hands and closed my eyes, taking deep breaths. I nearly had her. I nearly had my keys. I nearly had my car back...I wallowed in self pity. I need to get home. And there is only one way to do that...
Sighing in defeat, I opened my eyes before walking forward towards the car window. Hesitantly I drew out a hand before placing three small(but hard) knocks on the glass. I watched as Richelle turned around on her seat, letting out a gloating smile and rolling down the window.
"Oh hey Noah! Fancy seeing you here."
She feigned happily, indulging in my misery. I couldn't help but let out a groan.
"Give me my keys.."
I said softly, careful not to get annoyed and raise my voice. I watched as she leaned down and took my keys between her hands. She started fiddling about with the precious silver.
"Oh these things.."
She said, acting oblivious. I could feel my anger boiling.
I said harshly
"Those things..."
I grumbled. She stared down at the keys, a slight smile growing on her face. She clutched the keys into one palm.
"I'll give you the keys.."
She said, eyes glistening.
"...if you pretend to be my boyfriend."
She said happily. Oh so that's the way she wants to play it huh? Ugh. I don't have any other option, do I? How else am I going to get home? With my teeth seething, I barely muttered the words
"Fine. I will pretend to be your boyfriend."
She placed a hand on her ear, before saying
"Oh what...what was that Noah? I don't think I heard.."
She said sarcastically. Oh she is getting on my last tether. I took a deep breath, closing my eyes and opening them again. I leaned that my nose was halfway in the car and close to hers..
"I said...I'll pretend to be your boyfriend.."
I said looking directly into my eyes. She continued to stare into mine before leaning back and giving me a smug smile.
"I'm glad we could come to an agreement..."
So am I. At least I can get home now, even if it does mean I have to go to a stupid family dinner.
"Well what are you waiting for?"
She said forcefully, slapping my keys into my fists.
"We need to get going! I have so much to do before the family dinner tonight. I've got to shower. Dry my hair. Curl it. Style it. Do my make up! Oh, should I do a smokey eye or a natural eye. What should I wear. What's should you wear? Oh god! You need to get home. You need to get washed-because quite frankly at the moment you kind of stink. You also might need to shave. I can see a little bit of stubble under your chin. Oh and you'll need to bring something, like a gift-"
I cut her of short by slamming the door to the drivers seat close, alerting her to the fact I had entered the car. She jumped slightly before turning her attention towards me.
"What..when did you.."
She mumbled incoherently, confused about when I had got into the car. I put my hands on the steering wheel and the key in the ignition.
"When you were rambling on and on. I even had enough time to say goodbye to the rest of A troupe.."
I said, turning the key and listening to the engine roar.
"But were right there but now you are here..and..and.."
She mumbled, confused. For a person with so much sass, she can sure be a bit oblivious sometimes.
"Yes and now we are going home...and I'm watching my match."
I mumbled the last part under my breath, hopeful that she had not heard. However I was never that lucky..
"Oh no no no!"
She said harshly, extending a finger.
"We are going to your place and you are getting a shower, shaving and putting on your best clothes. You here me!"
She said forcefully. Ugh. Oh god! What have I gotten myself into?...

Haha I hope you enjoyed this chapter. It had a flashback. Sassy Richelle. Arguing Nochelle. What more could you need. Wish me luck guys my first exam is tomorrow morning 💕

Little tales of NochelleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora