I didnt know I was pregnant || 2

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27th May 2016
23rd March 2020

Riley's PoV
I watched as he stood frozen in one spot, his eyes locked on the baby in Kate's arms.
"You too Noah, leave!"
Noah didn't move a muscle only his eyes moved from staring at the baby to staring at Richelle. Richelle kept his gaze, staring back at him. The rest of A troupe had now stopped at the door way and was now watching.
"Did you not hear me Noah?! Leave!"
Miss Kate said frustrated.
I mumbled softly. I turned to face her.
"I think he needs to....stay"
I said softly. I glanced down at the baby before nodding my head over at Noah. I watched as her eyes widened as she got what I was trying to say. Her mouth performed a perfect 'O' as she stared at the baby and then back at Noah. Her face then went red and angry....
"I can't believe you Noah! You got her PREGNANT!"
Miss Kate yelled. There was a huge gasp from everyone and then there was silence in the studio as everyone thought over what she said. Noah lowered his head to the ground. The silence was broken by the baby screaming.
"Noah?" He looked up off the ground.
"When....when did you and richelle have....sex?"
He was quiet for a few minutes before saying.
"The internationals party. We had some of the punch and then....and then the next day we woke up in the costume closet together"
He said nervously and his voice cracked in the middle. Oh Noah! No, no wait! Poor Richelle too! I looked over to see her staring at the baby.
"Wh-why, didn't you tell me you were pregnant?"
Noah's voice cracked again. All was silent as Richelle continued to stare at the baby. I gave Richelle's hand a squeeze.
"Noah....I don't think she knew."
Noah looked back down at the ground. I looked over to the people in the doorway to see them looking at the scene with anticipation. There was a thick tension in the air until suddenly......
I quickly turned my head to Richelle to see her screaming again. Noah quickly looked up from the ground before racing over towards Richelle. He gently lent down beside her and started to stroke her hair before saying
"What's wrong with her??"
Richelle was clutching painfully at her stomach and her eyes were tightly shut.
"I don't know!! Somebody call an ambulance!"
I saw Emily quickly take her phone out of her pocket and ring up the number. Noah whispered down into her ear.
"Shusshhh Richelle! It's ok! I'm here now! You are going to be ok!"
He said reassuringly. Richelle let out another scream. I saw that he was getting worked up and so could Miss Kate, so she yelled out to him.
"Noah come here! Come meet your baby"
I watched as Noah's gaze drifted from Richelle and the baby and back again.
"It's okay Noah! Go! I'll look after her!"
Noah quickly tumbled over to Kate. He looked nervously down at the babe. The baby let out a big scream but was soon settled by Miss Kate.
I watched as Noah stared with wonder at the baby, his eyes widened and his mouth dropped. He was just about to reach out and touch the baby when the paramedics came rushing into the studio.
"Who needs help?"
Richelle let out another scream.
"Over here!! Over here!!"
They quickly rushed over to Richelle.
"What's her name? What happened?"
"Her name is Richelle and she just had a baby! Please, please help her!"
I pleaded. I watched as the two paramedics checked over Richelle before giving her gas and air.
"Ok Richelle, can you hear me?"
Richelle nodded her head faintly.
"Ok good! Now we are are going to take you to hospital. Is there anybody you want to come with you?"
Richelle lazily lifted her arm before pointing to Noah. One of the paramedics raced over to him. I watched as they took ahold of Noah's arm before guiding them along the side of the stretcher beside Richelle.

A couple of hours later in the hospital.....

Noah's PoV
Today has been a roller coaster of emotions. I mean....come on! Who would have thought that today Richelle would have had a baby. A tiny little human who can wriggle and scream. As I sit here on a chair beside Richelle's hospital bed I can't but help stare down at the little bundle. He has my hair and Richelle's nose. Yes, HE! I have a son. A son I can teach how to dance, a son who will grow up and start to call me daddy. It's unbelievable really! I know he wasn't planned but I still love him. I gently stroked his cheek and watched as he snuggled deeper into my arm.
      We've been here for a few hours now. Richelle is okay! The pain she was experiencing was her delivering something called....oh what was it called? Umm....pacentia. Oh that's not it! Oh forget it. It starts with a 'P' anyway. She's all right now. She's fast asleep on the hospital bed. Or so I thought.....
She said faintly.
"Where am I...?"
She mumbled as she looked around the room. I slowly got up from my seat and walked over to her. I watched as her eyes widened with recognition at the sight of our son.
I slowly sat down on the edge of her bed and stared down at our baby. After a few moments of silence I finally said.
"Do you want to hold him?"
I said turning my arms so she could see him.
"It's a him. I had a baby boy?"
I nodded my head before carefully placing him in her arms. As she looked down with adoration at our child I moved so I was sitting beside her with an arm around her shoulder.
"Oh Noah, what are we going to do? We're only seventeen!"
She cried out. Small tears started to drop from her eyes. I pulled her closer and started to stroke her hair.
"It'll be ok Richelle, I promise!"
I placed a small kiss on her forehead.
"Where will he live? My parents are sure to kick me out when they see him!"
Her small tears ran down her cheeks and fell onto her top.
"You can live with me! My mother loves you remember! Of course she will be a little angry that I got you pregnant but she'll get over it when she sees him!"
She looked up at me.
"Are you sure?"
She asked hesitantly. I bundled her tighter into my chest. I lazily dragged my hand up and down her arm.
"I promise"
All was quiet for a few minutes as we stared down at our baby. He was squirming in Richelle's arms, his nose was scrunched up and his eyes closed tightly.
"What....what should we name him him?"
Richelle said softly. I hadn't thought about that? Umm what should we call him? It has to be good because he's stuck with this name for eternity. Wait I know!
"Umm...how about Oliver?"
She looked up at me with a surprised expression.
"You want to name him after my grandfather?"
"Yeah, I mean! Your grandfather was a very important person in my life. It was at one of his birthday parties I first met you......it was the best day of my life"
Richelle looked up at me with adoration as a watery smile came upon her face. She looked down at the baby.
"I like it. It's perfect!"
She then leaned down and placed a small kiss on his forehead.
"How about James as a second name?"
She said. I thought over it for a few minutes.
"Yeah of course"
I said trailing my fingers up and down my arms. How could I be so lucky? My life is perfect!
"Welcome to the world Oliver James Erlick"

Sorry this was later than I expected but I was busy yesterday and didn't get the time to finish it. Enjoy 😘

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