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Basically Richelle and Noah are dating and no one knows. Noah leaves a hickey on Richelle's neck and she doesn't know it's there.

11 March 2016
23 March 2020

Skylar's PoV
Soooo....how should I start? From the beginning? Or should I be completely weird and start at the end.....? Nah! Let's not make people think I'm weirder than I actually am. So! It was a rainy Tuesday afternoon at the studio. The sky was dark and every few minutes it would cry heavy tears. Everyone in A troupe was gathered warily beside one of the only heaters in a studio. Oh yeah that's right!....I knew there was something I forgot. Have you guessed yet? No? I MADE A TROUPE!! Whoop whoop! Oh dear! I've got distracted haven't I? Back to the story....
Everyone was bundled together beside the rusty old heater at the side of the studio. People had gathered together, holding onto each other to gather some heat. Can you guess who I'm talking about? Come on its not that hard! It's Jiley aka James and Riley. Although they can be cute sometimes. Being so close that my chin is basically resting on Riley's shoulder as she continues to relentlessly kiss James, is not that pleasing!
Ugh! I keep getting distracted! Anyway back to the story.....again! We are all desperately hoping for Miss Kate to arrive soon so we can start the lesson, but until then we are stuck like this. All ten of us! Wait! Ten! There's two people missing! I looked frantically around at the people surrounding me to see if I could find out who was missing. Well at least I know it's not James and Riley. It's not Michelle.....or Cierra, they're standing beside each other talking. It's not Eldon or West because they are in a heated argument about...oh what was it! Oh toilets! Yes I know! Don't ask! Who's next! It's not Giselle. I could see her hair from a mile off. It's not Thalia or Max. And it's definitely not me! That only leaves....
"WERE SO SORRY WE ARE LATE! We got....umm...held up, waiting for our smoothies! Yeah that's right!"
Said Richelle out of breath. Her hair was tousled and messy and her cheeks were a rosy pink. She wore her normal dance wear- black shorts with a black short sleeve dance top. Around her shoulders was a white cardigan which had dipped down at one side. She rested her hands on her knees before looking up at Noah. Like Richelle, he was a little out of breath. His red shirt was slightly crinkled at the shoulders and his hair was messy. Hey! Wait a minute! Is he wearing lipstick. This is weird....
"So where are your smoothies then?"
Asked West confused. Huh, I hadn't even noticed. Where are there smoothies? Richelle and Noah looked at each other nervously before looking down at their hands.
"Umm...we drank them before we came here!"
Said Noah forcefully as he scratched his head. He's lying! He always does that when he's lying. I don't believe him!
"I don't believe you.."
I said loudly.
"You always scratch the back of your head when your lying!"
Noah quickly snapped his hand down from his head and let it rest by his side. He glanced down at Richelle nervously. Richelle's hair moved to snake down her back as she whipped her head forward to face us.
"It's the truth!"
She said quickly. As she turned to face us her cardigan slipped down her shoulder. Then I saw it! A tiny little mark on Richelle's neck......a hickey! OMG! RICHELLE!! How could she not tell me she had a boyfriend?! I thought we were friends! I gasped out loud before shouting
I quickly ran over to her bouncing on my tippy toes. I knew everyone was staring at me, I mean who wouldn't I practically saw Cierra jump from fright when I screamed. When I reached Richelle she was staring at me confused with wide eyes.
I said excitedly. She stared at me confused. Her eyebrows were furrowed.
A quiet mumbling came upon the others as Richelle stared at me with shock.
"What are you talking about?"
She said confused. Oh don't give me that look Richelle! You know exactly what I'm talking about!
"Don't give me that look Ritchie, I thought we were friends, how could you not tell me you had a boyfriend, go on tell me who it is?"
I said crossing my arms. Richelle continued to stare at me confused.
"Skylar! What are you going on about?"
She said quietly. Ugh. I guess I'll have to do this the hard way. I uncrossed my arms before grabbing onto her cardigan and harshly pulling it from around her neck, exposing the hickey to everyone.
"Then who the heck gave you the hickey?!"
There was a gasp of shock as everyone suddenly rushed to Richelle, crowding around her for a chance to see the hickey. Her face started to turn red as she hastily grabbed onto her cardigan, pulling it over her shoulder.
"Who gave you that Richelle?"
"Who's your boyfriend?"
"Is it someone at the studio?!"
Questions were thrown at her from everyone but she just continued to stare at the floor. I watched as she nervously glanced up to someone in the corner and blushed heavily, before looking back down again. Huh. Wonder what that is about? I slowly trailed my eyes from Richelle's bright face over to where she had been staring.
      OMG! NO! NO WAY! It's Noah! There in the corner stood Noah distant from the rest of the crowd. His face was slightly pink and he was rubbing the back of his head nervously. I can't believe it! Noah gave her those! So that's why he had lipstick on....oh Skylar! How could you be so dumb? I placed a hand on my forehead in disbelief. And that must be why they were out of breath! Oh I am a genius! Thats why they didn't have smoothies. They weren't at Hidalgos they were somewhere else making out! Ew! That's not the best thing to imagine your best friends to be doing, it's almost as bad as when you first catch James and Riley in the costume closet.....I think you can guess what's coming next!
      But.....awe! I can't believe they finally are dating. Oh come on! It was obvious they liked each other. Everyone could see it. Should I or shouldn't I? Should I tell everyone it was Noah. Or should I wait for everyone to find out on their own. Ya know what? I'm going to go for the latter. It will be nice to be the only person who knows. Plus I could make so many jokes and watch as Noah and Richelle blush and the others look confused. Oh yeah! I can't wait!
     "Ok! Come on guys! It's practise time! I'm sorry I am late but I had to do my job as studio owner and stop two hooligans making out in the music room"
Miss Kate came walking into the room. She dropped her dance bag on the floor before glancing over everyone, her eyes lingering on Noah and Richelle for a little longer than the rest. I watched as their blush deepened. Any redder and you could have sold them at the grocers as tomatoes. Luckily no one else was watching them.
"Today we are going to work on our regionals routine! So hurry up. Warm up, stretch and be ready in five minutes!"
She walked over to her office before sitting down at her desk. Everyone walked off and started to stretch. Noah grabbed Richelle's arm and dragged her over to the corner. I watched as Noah said something that I couldn't hear before giving her a smile. Richelle looked up at him, flashing a smile back. Then it happened. Noah slowly leant down and pressed his lips against hers. My eyes widened in shock. Oh god! Well that is certainly not the way to keep it quiet. I guess they realised that people would guess soon or later that Noah gave her those hickeys. I snapped out of my trance to hear people cheering and whooping behind me. Awe! Noah released Richelle from the kiss, keeping a hold of her hands and looking down into her eyes. Even from a distance I could see the love in Noah's eyes. Good for them! They are perfect for each other. I'm still mad though. Richelle should have told me. She owes me big time! Tonight we are having a sleepover and she is telling me everything. And I mean everything! A few minutes past and Noah and Richelle still stood in the corner engrossed with each other. Is this what live is life going to be like now. If so....I can already tell not much rehearsing will be done. As much as I don't want to do this I know it's for the good of the team. Plus it will be good to see the blush on their faces.
They turn to stare at me, their faces turning slightly pink.
"Are you gonna stand there all day staring into each other's eyes lovingly or are you going to come practise." Their eyes widened and they quickly let go of their hands. Oh yes! I can tell already that this is going to be fun.

So here you go 😘 sorry I haven't updated in like a week. School is very hectic at the moment. This chapter has been very hard to write, it didn't turn out how I planned it too when I first wrote the name at the top. I had originally planned something different but then when it came to writing I ended up with....this. Sorry for the crappy ending ❤️ I ended up not enjoying writing it when it came to the end so that's the best I can do

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