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*Riley and James are getting married. Riley is having her hen party at a bar while the boys are hanging out in the studio.*

Ok so this is a little more mature than my other chapters so be wary. Also thank you guys for all the lovely comments on 'Thunderstorms' I honestly wasn't expecting it

First published 26th Feb 2016
Published again 23 Mars 2020

Noah's PoV
I watched as the controller flew across the room and hit a wall with a thud. Hunter placed his head into his palms groaning. He had lost! And James had won!
"Ha I beat you! LOSER, loser!"
James said happily in Hunters face.
"And you said you were the best at this game, well I guess not eh"
He said hitting Hunters shoulder. Hunter finally got over his defeat to look up at James and say
"Oh shut up"
Before tumbling out of the room and saying over his shoulder.
"I'll be right back and then we will have a rematch and I WILL WIN!"
He was met by me, Max, James, West and Eldon saying in unison jokingly.
"Of course"
I relaxed against the soft sofa and took a sip of the beer in my hand. I guess you are confused? Well right now we are at James 'stag' party. If you can even call it that! It's more of a boys night. All we have done is play video games and drink beer. Sounds fun, right? Not really. I bet the girls are having more fun. They are actually out doing something and not nearly falling asleep watching James play this stupid game for nearly two hours.
"Hey Noah, do you wanna go? I need to see if I can beat everyone else at this game too!"
James said, holding out a controller towards me. Hmm should I or shouldn't I? I suppose I haven't got anything better to do. I lazily put my drink on the floor before reaching out and grabbing for the controller. My fingertips had just touched the smooth plastic when suddenly......
I turned quickly to the source of the noise and came across a surprise. There stumbling into the studio was the girls, leading the pack was Riley. On her head she had a pink tiara that was attached to a fake veil. She wore a skin tight black dress with a sash saying 'Bride to be!'. I watched as she nearly tripped as one of her heels on her black stilettos gave way. Luckily James was able to catch her after he had got up to see her when she walked in. She burst into uncontrollable giggles before gripping his shirt tightly. I was so busy watching them that I had failed to notice that someone had approached me. Only when I felt a small hand on my bare chest did I finally realise that Richelle was standing infront of me.
"Ohhh...h-h-hey Noeee!"
Said Richelle happily. Her voice was really high and she stumbled over a few words. Oh this can not be good. I quickly removed her hand from my chest and looked at her properly.
"Heyyyy...wh-why did...did you do thattt"
She said mock angrily. She furrowed her eyebrows and pouted her lips.
"I-I like that, your abs are..are so amazing, come on...let...let me touch them."
She said forcefully before pushing her hands up my top again and scraping her nails down my abs. I felt my face blush. Why is she doing this? She must be really drunk.
"Richelle stop, what are you doing?"
I grabbed both of her hands before tugging them out of my shirt. I kept a hold of them so she couldn't place them up my top. She then started moving back and forth on her heels and screaming.
"Oh hey...hey Noah. Why is..is the room moving?"
Oh crap she is really drunk.
"Wheeeee! This is fun!"
She started moving back and forth uncontrollably, so much that she nearly ended up falling backwards. I quickly grabbed a hold of her waist to stop her from falling and pulled her into my chest. I held her steady for a few minutes. Then I felt her again put her hands up my top but this time on the small of my back. Ugh again? Do you know what I can't be bothered, she can keep them there, there not doing any harm. I held her tight and watched as each girl went to a different boy. Obviously Riley went to James, but then you had West and Thalia, Eldon and Michelle, Max and Amanda and Hunter and Emily. Huh. I didn't even see him come back in. Well how could I? I was too preoccupied by Richelle. I looked down at her to see that she was now struggling to get away from my chest.
"N-N-Noah...let..let me go!"
She stood on my toes and I was forced to let her go to hold onto them to stop the pain. I ended up bouncing on one foot for a few minutes as Richelle watched on laughing. Hah, at least she is laughing!
"Noeee..you are so funny!"
She said hitting my shoulder.
"And cute"
She got a little closer to me, placing a hand around my neck.
"And hot"
Again she moved closer.
"And....and sexy"
I felt my eyes widen at that and then she did something that I did not expect. She jumped forward on her heels(don't ask me how) and wrapped her legs around my waist and kissed me forcefully on the mouth. I was forced to hold onto her waist to stop her from falling. Wait! This is not right! She is drunk. She would not be doing this if she was sober. Reluctantly, I didn't push back against her lips. Soon she let go in frustration.
"Noeeee....kiss me back"
She said pouting. Ugh. I wonder if the other boys are having as much trouble as me. I looked over to them to see the girls all doing the exact same thing as Richelle. Wait did they plan this?
"Kiss...kiss me Noeee, pwease!"
She burrowed her head into my neck and started trailing kisses up and down. Ugh that felt good. But this still isn't right.
"Richelle....you need to stop"
I loosened my grip on her thighs in attempt to get her back on the ground but she gripped more tightly on to me.
"No..no Noah, you kiss back. I need you to kiss back. I need you...."
Omg did she just..... Ok this has to stop now! We're only seventeen. We can't....
Ugh I have to take her home.
"Hey GUYS!"
I call over to them. No one looked over but I continued anyway.
"I'm taking Richelle home, she is way too drunk!"
I quickly started walking out of the studio but not before I heard James shout.
"Don't do anything stupid, and by stupid...I mean don't have sex!"
"Who do you think I am?"
I walked out of the Next step building and walked over to my car. I fumbled about for my keys and when I finally found them I opened the passenger side of the car.
"Ritchie, look if you let go of me now and get into the car...ill....I'll kiss you back"
All was quiet for a few minutes but then I heard her mumble into my shirt.
"You promise"
"I promise"
She lazily let go of my waist and slowly got into the car. I have a feeling, I will not be keeping my promise tonight. And it will be Richelle's fault not mine. She can hardly keep her eyes open!

Later on at Richelle's house
Ugh I have never been so thankful to see a building. I pulled the car to a stop before getting out and walking over and opening the passengers side. The sight that greeted me was actually quite.....cute? There bundled up into a ball was Richelle. Her long curly blonde hair was in knots and her small arms were wrapped around her short lean legs. Should I wake her or? In the end I ended up picking her up bridal style and carrying her towards the door. There I picked up the spare key from under the flower pot and opened the door. Her house was quiet but that's normal, her parents are never normally home. I walked up the stairs and followed the route I had in my head from the many times I had been here when I was younger, towards her room. When I got there, I punched the door open with my foot before walking in and placing Richelle on the bed. I quickly took of her shoes before pulling the covers over her. I was slowly walking out the door when I heard a quiet voice.
"No, can you stay with me? I don't want to be alone."
Hmmm. It's not like we're doing anything bad. She just wants some comfort. What's the harm?....
I closed the door before walking over to the bed. I slipped of my shoes and my jacket before sliding into the bed. As soon as my back was against the mattress I felt Richelle turn round and pull on my arm so it fell around her waist and I was facing the back of her head. She kept a hold of my hand before saying.
"Thank you, no"
I thought about what she said for a minute before saying
"No problem, Ritchie. Sweet dreams"
I stayed awake to make sure she fell asleep alright before trying myself. However, all I could think about was how crazy today was! Hmm now that I think about it, she was very drunk. I have a feeling she will not be leaving this bed tomorrow. Ugh wait that means she'll make me be her slave. Oh great! Well isn't that going to be fun...ugh I suppose she's worth it. I lazily kissed her hair before snuggling deeper under the covers. Hmm I suppose this is alright.....

Enjoy guys😘 Ok so you might have noticed I ramble a bit at the ends but that is literally because I have no idea how to end my story's. Sorry guys

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