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Richelle kisses Noah on the lips when he is blindfolded and alone in the middle of the music room. This is a very short oneshot, so I'm sorry guys. I hope you like it anyway.

First published 1st Feb 2016
Published again 23 Mars 2020

Noah's PoV
This blindfold thing is easy! I can't believe Cierra, West and Eldon think I'm some sort of miracle! I mean just because I have good reflexes doesn't make me special..... They keep wanting me to test new things. First it was avoiding things being thrown to me, then it was dodgeball and now it's hide and seek, only with......blindfolds. This is going to be so easy! The only problem with this is I'm......bored. They left me in the music room, with a blindfold and the quick instruction to stay in here until they go hide. They really did not think it through. How am I supposed to know when they have hidden? Ugh! I'm going to be in here a while.
I'm currently sat down on the bench, my head facing downwards deep in my thoughts,when suddenly I hear a small noise from in front of me. I keep my head down and listen carefully. It sounds like bare feet against wood. So.....someone is in here. The slapping against the wood is soft and light. A girl then! It can't be a boy, I don't know any boy who can walk that softy. The noise is getting louder and closer to me and then it stops. I listen intensely for any noise.....
Suddenly I hear the rustling of clothes and heavy breathing and then there is a gentle hand on my cheek. I flinch back against the touch. A girl definitely. The hand is warm against my cold cheek and makes me shudder. And then it happens.....something I did not expect.
There is a pair of soft lips against mine. My breath catches at the back of my throat. After a few moments of sitting still in shock I kiss back gently. There is a soft sigh as I nip her lips with my teeth, making her open her mouth. I wrestle with her tongue before exploring her mouth. She places her hands on my shoulders to steady herself and sighs again. I know soon I will have to let go because I can't breath but for the moment I enjoy myself.
She does it in the end. Gently letting go of my lips and resting her head against my forehead. I knew my cheeks were flushed red and so were my lips probably. There was a fire in my stomach and my hands quivered. I've never felt like this before! I wish I could see her face. I want to know who it is! I move my hand to untie the blindfold but when I do she lets go of my shoulders and runs. I stand up quickly and take of my blindfold.
When I do, I see the sight of dark brown hair quickly run out of the door. Wait! No I couldn't have!......I kissed Richelle.

Enjoy guys ❤️😘

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