Chapter 4: Stalkers

Start from the beginning


Yugi punch my arm as I just laugh. He pouted at his own embarrassment before laughing along with me.

"You know, Yugi. I think flooding the bathroom would be another good prank that I can pull on my friends later on."

"Friends? You mean Joey, right?"

"Oh no. I mean the friends that are the worst troublemakers of the centuries."



Yugi narrowed his eyes at me before asking, "Yami. Are you a gangster?"

I anime fell.

"No way! Why would you think of me like that?" 😫

"Because there's some people following us and are wearing weird clothes."


Yugi use his thumb to point something behind us.

Or someone.

I follow where he is pointing at before spotted some people wearing ridiculous glasses and black clothes behind the bushes.

'Are they stalkers?'

"Maybe they're not following us."

"No. They're following us."

"How so?"

"One of them has been taking pictures of us this whole time."

'I stand corrected. They are stalkers.'

"Yami, why are they following us? Are they dangerous?"

"Most of the time.....Yugi?"

"Yes Yami?"

"How fast can you run?"

"With magic or no magic?"

"No magic."

"As fast as a cheetah."

"Good. But on the safe side, please try to keep pace with me. Once we're in the crowd, which is only right next to the corner, we might get separated."



Yugi nodded before we continued walking.

"They're following us."

"Not for long."

Once we turn to the corner that's when I shouted, "GO!"

(Me: And they're off!)

Both of us quickly made a running start before bombarding ourselves towards the opened crowd.

"Excuse me!"

"Coming through!"

Yugi and I had gone to a great start because before long.

We lost them.

"Do you think-"

Trying to get some oxygen within the lungs.

"They will try following us again?"

"Hopefully *gasping* No."

I sigh before taking in on our surroundings.

"Come on Yugi. The line is not that long at all. Thank goodness."

I took hold of his hand before pulling us towards the ticket inventory.

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