New Guy Next Door. Why Does He Have Fangs?!

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"Look Mari! He is here again!" yelled Amy.

"Who is here?" I asked.

"See that guy over there?" I looked to where Maria was pointing. I saw what at first I thought was a forgotten coat sitting on a bench. That's when he turned around. It was like he could hear our conversation which wasn't possible as he was 20 feet away. But he looked from Maria then to me. That's when I saw the bluest eyes I had ever seen. They glowed like two sapphires. He looked quickly away and I let go a breath I didn't know I was holding. His dark brown hair was popping out of the gray hood of his sweater. It was straight and reminded me of that soccer player I had seen the other day, Cristiano Ronaldo. That haircut that was so much in style today, short on the front but longer on the back so that it kind of curled at the back of his neck. His pale face was looking at something on the street and it seemed that he smiled a lot because his mouth was naturally set in a smile. But his eyes, they looked so sad. But what did I know?! I had only seen then for a few seconds. And what did it matter to me?

I had Mari talking. "Amy and I think he is homeless. He has been here the last two times we have gone for coffee and he was wearing the same clothes."

"It has to be a crime to be that good looking and homeless." said Amy.

All of us laughed at that as we walked into the shop. I turned to look at the stranger and saw he was laughing too. Weird.

As we walked out of the coffee shop I saw the guy sitting there. I don't why but as we passed him I stopped and reached into my pocket.

"Here you go" I said as I handed him a ten dollar bill.

He looked surprised and a little scared as he took it. "Thanks" he mumbled.

"Don't mention it." And I walked away.

There is nothing better for the soul than some hot coffee, good conversation and a powerful indoor heating system I thought as I walked to my class. It was getting dark and I was cursing my luck. Go figure that all the Intro to Communications classes were taken up but this one! Why does my class have to start at 6:15? Why?! I hate getting night classes. That's what I get for making a last minute decision. Being Undecided my advisor told me to try out different classes to see what subjects interested me. It was a whim that I chose Intro to Communications. If only I had known it was one of the most popular classes in the school!

As I walked into class I was greeted by the familiar warmth of a heated room. I looked around to see if there was anyone I knew. No one. Great, just great. I walked to the back of the class and took a seat. Just then the teacher walked into the class. I looked down at my cell phone, 6:15. Wow, I had timed it perfectly.

"Alright kidos, settle down." I looked over at the instructor. She seemed pretty young, highlighted brown hair, thin and wearing a business shirt and skirt. I looked down at her shoes. No way! She was wearing 4 inch red pumps. I have a feeling I am going to like this class.

"My name is Professor Madera. But we are all adults here so you can call me Nancy." Yeah I am definitely going to like this class.

"Now I know that Communications can be boring but I plan to put a spin on this class this semester. So let me take roll and then I'll explain how everything works."

She started calling out the names as I looked around the room. The class wasn't too big, I think about 40 kids at most. Wait a second, does that gray sweater look familiar.


"Present!" I called not paying attention. I know I have seen that sweater before. But where? I have horrible memory but I could have sworn I knew where I had seen it before.

I snapped back to reality when Professor Madera, I mean Nancy, started talking.

"Instead of taking notes on what Communication is, I thought we should have a hands-on class and learn how to use skills firsthand. So I have arranged everyone to work in pairs. And since everyone is here things will work out marvelously! Now remember in life and especially in the Communication business we will have to work with people we might not like. Which basically means no trading partners. If you have a problem, come to me and we will work things out. Partnering lists are posted at the front of the class."

I wonder who I will get paired up with. Knowing my luck it will either be with a nerd that wants to control everything or a slacker who won't do anything. As I walked to the list I was blocked by a bunch of guys at the front. I hate being short. I mean I know 5'4 isn't short, but I certainly feel small sometimes.

"Who is Arabelle Puerto?"

"That's me." I turned around to face the person I would be spending plenty of time with this semester.

I look behind me and "No way" I breathed.

He looked at me with a face that was half shocked and half smiling. I guess he hadn't been expecting me either.

I looked toward the list.

"You are Daniel Harding?" I asked bewildered.

"The one and only" he replied smirking.

What? How could this be! This makes no sense.

New Guy Next Door. Why Does He Have Fangs?!Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant