Epilogue Part Two

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I just wanted to take the time and say thank you to everyone who has read this story. I'm glad so many of your enjoyed Diamond's story, and hopefully y'all are ready for a second book. I know I don't update that much, but hopefully that changes soon. School has just been so stressful, and keeping me busy.

However that is not the main point of the Author's note. I wanted to explain why I chose to write this story.

I feel as though as a young black woman, sometimes I and many other girls may have a misunderstanding at times about what a healthy relationship is. As much as it's cute to read these stories about possessive jealous guys, and we say what we would do. Truth is, if you were that character at the time you'd probably not know what to do. Until you are in that situation, you truly don't know how you would react. I really hope that no one ever finds them sleeves in a situation similar to Diamond's or are currently in one.

In today's society it seems so hard to know yourself worth. You hear these vain remarks about beauty or whatever else, and may feel not good enough. It lowers self esteem. Confidence is not something you can teach. You need to learn it on your own. Don't get me wrong; I ain't the most confident girl out hear, but best believe your girl holds her head up high and fakes it when needed.

Often we fall in love with the wrong person, because they often say the right things. You can fall for someone who whispers sweet nothings in your ear all day, and anyone can fall for this don't get me wrong but if you have that low self esteem you fall a lot quicker for the bull shit.

Don't let some good for nothing dude be the first person to tell you your beautiful and worth something. Look yourself in the mirror everyday, and say it until you believe it. Cause trust me baby girl, your prince is waiting for you. There is someone who loves you just the way you are. However you can't be glass waiting to shatter looking to fix someone else's broken pieces.

Just know your self worth. 

Another point I wanted to hit, and I wanted to make a priority in this novel. Is that not all guys change. They could promise to stop hitting you and not. The story with Andre and Jelean could be consider a lucky one, but speaking on more realistic terms. The dude 9/10 will not change. Also you may not find a knight in shining armor, like Diamond did with Blue. Sometimes the princess has to save herself. I didn't want Avery and Diamond to end up together just to prove that point.

A third thing I would like to mention is that I made BugattiBeez Avery. Partly because his name is actually Avery. I saw some comments saying, Beez isn't like that. I like Beez to and I'm not saying he's the abusive type. The point was to prove, that you can't look at someone and say what they will and will not do. That is why some abusive relationships go unnoticed. Some of ya'll are screaming goals because of what they show on Instagram, twitter, snapchat, or whatever. You never know, the girl who's relationship your envying. She could be getting her ass beat behind closed doors.

No disrespect towards Beez. Just trying to prove some points.

If you are currently in that type of situation, or know someone who is. I pray that you/they find the strength to leave that person. Things will get better once you do, and trust when I say Karma is alive and kicking. If you need help talk to someone. There hotlines or groups you can go to if you do not find a safe haven in your friends or family. Just try to get help before its to late.

This is the number of the National Domestic Violence Hotline. Call if you need help, or give the number to someone who you feel as though might.

1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or for Deaf callers on video phone 1-855-812-1001 (Monday to Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. PST) or TTY 1-800-787-3224.

One thing I would like to mention really quickly is that I am currently working on some new books. While of course things to wrap up some old ones. One of the new books I am working on is about a man in an abusive relationship.

I feel as though male abuse in relationships is something that is not talked about often. Maybe it is because of gender roles, and it seems odd for a man to let a female beat him. However I will be doing another short story covering this topic. I hope you guys will support it as much as you supported this book.

So this is the end of this authors note. Thank you to anyone who took the time out of their day to read this.

Have a great day, beautiful!

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