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I turn the keys, and pull them out of the ignition.

Leaning my head against the steering wheel of my car, I let out a sigh.

Searching for jobs has become all I can think about, because there's pressure, and I'm running out of money.

I'm beginning to think that I moved here for nothing.

I open the car door, and bring my bags inside, I take the elevator up, and soon I arrive at the door of my apartment.

I hear quiet murmurs, and the sound of sitcom laughter through the door.

Jess must be watching tv or something.

I push the door open, and sure enough, he's sitting on the couch, watching Friends (A/N, apologies if you don't think Jess would watch friends, it's the first show that came to mind).

I stop and stare for a moment, trying to tear my eyes away from the back of his hair, remembering what it used to be like between us.

Now he's freezing me out. I feel anger emerging inside of me, because he has no right.

"Hello." I say, looking him in the eyes when he turns around.

"Hey." He says quietly, glaring at me and flicking off the tv.

He gets up off of the couch, and storms off into his room. I hear the door slam.

I bite my lip, and then drop my bags.

"Jess!" I say, following him and knocking on his door.

"What?" He asks.

"Do you remember me ever doing anything to you? What did I ever do? You left Jess, you did." I say.

He stays silent, so I continue.

"I can't handle it anymore! Living in this apartment with you, trying to figure you out. Why should I have to-" I say, but then I hear his voice, louder than mine.

"Then move Rory! No one's telling you to stay, you didn't ask for this, I didn't ask for this. Go online and move out of it bugs you so much!" He yells.

"Is this how it's going to be between us always? Why does it have to be like this? Come out of your room! You have no right to be ignoring me!" I yell, wondering if I'm yelling to get him to talk to me, or if I'm really mad.

He opens his door and he appears. I expect him to yell at me, defend himself with all he has, but he doesn't. He simply stands there in front of me. I suddenly feel an overwhelming urge to lean in and kiss him, so I step back.

"Look, Rory. I'm sorry ok? I'm sorry," he says, more sincerely than I would ever have expected from him.

Then he disappears back into his room. Looking back at me.

I want to know what he's thinking, if he's still in love with me or if I'm just crazy. But I can't ask him that.

I retrieve my bags and go into my bedroom. Slamming the door as Jess always does.


Thank you so much for reading I really hope you liked it, it's just a short update today because I'm too lazy to write more 😏, and I'm sorry that sucked but yeah....
Seriously it means so much that you're reading and stuff!

Chloe 💜

confused: a rory and jess fanficWhere stories live. Discover now