Chapter 15

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I looked over my shoulder to see Yori still sound asleep over me. He refused to walk, despite the village being very close by from where we emerged. Scaling down the mountain wasn't that hard, if Yori wasn't on my shoulder of course. But eventually I found myself in a clearing of a pathway towards the village's entrance. The village wasn't as big as I expected it to be. I expected the headquarters of some big "rebellious" group to be somewhat more... I don't know, fortified? The only thing they had was a watchtower out front which seemed to have no one in it. There was more than likely a gatekeeper there (despite the village having no gate, or a wall for that matter). I could see only a few houses in the distance as it was extremely dark, but no one seemed to be stirring. The village was a ghost town. The only thing that I could make out were some distant torches lit near the edges of the village; even then I couldn't see much as the light was a pitiful glow as the darkness absorbed most of it.

I waited to be welcomed entry (as I was out in the open in front of the village), but I was given no such pleasure. I was tired and hungry so I didn't settle for waiting.

"Helloooooo!" I shouted. "You have visitors!"

Suddenly there was a loud noise coming from the watchtower along with angry grunts. I heard some sort of Pokemon start grumbling as it fumbled around in the tower.

"Agh! Just a second!" it called

Then I saw a Pokemon jump straight out of the tower and take flight towards me. "Greetings!" It squawked happily. "Maybe next time you won't wake me from my nap!"

Landing in front of me the Pokemon gave me a salute. "The name's Tot the Chatot!" he called "You get it? Because I'm a Chatot and we took out the Chat and-"

Suddenly he jumped back and flapped his wings rapidly squawking loudly. "You're THAT Pokemon! Oh boy, oh boy!" He paced around frantically flapping his wings in every direction before looking me in the eyes and flying off back towards the village.

I rubbed the back of my head trying to figure out what just happened. I assumed that the village was just disorderly due to my arrival (Arceus knows why). I glanced over my shoulder to Yori who was (of course) still sound asleep on my shoulder; he could sleep through anything.

"Ah! It's you!"

A voice of an elder cried out, one that seemed quite hyper despite it being late at night. I looked around and saw a Spinda shuffling towards me on a cane. He couldn't keep his path straight and was being supported by Tot. Tot seemed worried as he tried to keep up with the hustling Spinda to make sure he didn't fall.

The elder approached me and observed my face with keen interest. He stared for quite a long time before yelling proudly. "Why hello there! I would like to welcome you as the leader of this fine village, known only as.... ForestLight!" With a grand smile he extended his hand and shook mine rapidly.

"Now! I assume you're Flare? I've heard quite a lot about you! But! Let me introduce myself!"

Pounding his heart with his fist he gazed up towards the sky. "I am Sir. Montgrey Hoppletop the 4th of the House of Revon!"

With a bow he pulled his head back up and gave me a wink. "But you can just call me Hopple! If it so pleases you."

I chuckled a bit and peered over his head, "Well, It's very ni-"

"FURTHERMORE!" Hopple shouted ecstatically. "I'd like to personally get to know you!" Bouncing around, Hopple once more started to investigate me, pulling at my fur and looking me up and down. He seemed intrigued by every aspect of me.

"I'd like to get to know what you've done! What different things there is to see! The techniques you've used! OH! OH! The adventures, OH PLEASE! The adventures!"

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