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November 7 2011

The first time he hurt me was in November. He was furious at me for being late, he hated it when I wasn't punctual.

I arrived breathless and gasping for air. "I'm sorry," I said as I pulled open the car door. " I had to finish a test last block for math and then, I was forced to help clean up the science lab because I was late today,"

I slung my backpack into the backseat of the car and turned to face my boyfriend. He had been quiet the entire time, staring through his foggy window.

"Jackson?" I asked timidly. There was a moment of silence as I stared at my cold hands.

"Do you know how long I've been waiting?" He let out an angry breath. "How I've been sitting here for an hour like an idiot? Am I your chauffeur?" He turned to face me, his dark eyes were livid. His breath was hot and smoky yet it only made the temperature in the car colder.

I rubbed my freezing hands together cursing myself for forgetting gloves at this time of year. "I'm sorry!" I repeated. "It's just I would have text-"

The slap left a sharp painful sting on my face. I didn't even have enough time to get out of the way. I could feel the metallic taste of blood in my mouth where I had bit my tongue.

Immediately, his eyes softened. "Oh baby, Livvie I am so sorry. I don't know what happened."

Shocked I could only stare at him. We had been dating for six months now, this was the first time something like this happened.

But it certainly wasn't the last.

February 18 2012

"Is the quiz is on Friday?"

Peter thought for a second, his mouth turned up forming a sly grin. "Maybe you would know if you were paying attention in class,"

I rolled my eyes as I pushed the door open. The weather had warmed up and now it was progressing into spring. "C'mon just tell me,"

"Do you deserve to know?" He challenged. He smirked at me as I stared at him without blinking. Peter was a fairly attractive guy with broad shoulders and a killer grin but I was only a good friend of his. I ignored the jealous looks girls were shooting me as I stopped in front of the parking lot.

"You're dumb, now tell me," I said. "I gotta go, Jackson is waiting for me,"

He snorted. "It is actually on Monday, See ya,"

I waved as I walked towards the familiar black car. I slid into the passenger seat. "Hey,"

He narrowed his eyes at me. His hair was a wild mess today, it usually was when he was angry. Whenever he was mad he would run his hands through his hair over and over again. "Were you talking to Peter?"

I nodded slowly. His furious eyes bored into mine. "Why?" He demanded.

"I was asking his about math. Calm down Jackson," I jokingly put a hand on his arm.

It was just like the first time. I had no time to defend myself. His arm shot forward and punched me in the left eye. White sparks and stars exploded and for a moment it was all I could see. Shakily I fumbled to get out. "I hate you," I rasped as I finally tugged the car door open.

His strong grip pulled me back in place. "You will tell no one about this," He said steely.

Tears were streaming down my right eye but my left was too swollen. "Screw you,' I choked out.

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