As the limo came to a standstill at the airport, Tessa felt a queasy feeling in her stomach.  She nervously clenched her free hand into a tight fist.  Did Joseph consider her a good wife to Brad?  
No doubt right now Brad did not consider me a good wife. 
Was Joseph pleased with the role she was playing at
Global Reporter?   Or was he still regretting that he never had a son to keep the von Biljoen legacy alive?  Did Joseph still think that his daughter was a shame and a disgrace to him?

‘Darling?’ Brad’s gentle voice interrupted her nerve wrecking thoughts.  Tessa looked up to see Brad holding the door opened for her.  When had he released her hand? His eyes were tender and warm as he smiled encouragingly at his wife.  Tessa inhaled a huge gulp of air into her lungs.  She helped Lyndon get unbuckled and stepped out.  Deliberately Tessa ignored Brad’s hand as she busied herself fussing over Lyndon.

‘Let’s go daddy, let’s go,’ Lyndon reached for his daddy’s hand and tugged his daddy forward. 

‘Son,’ Brad held Lyndon back firmly and looked over his shoulder at Tessa, ‘are you leaving mummy here at the car park?’

‘Sorry momma,’ Lyndon removed his hand from his daddy’s and extended his tiny hand to his mummy.  ‘Come on momma,’ he smiled, ‘my grandpa is waiting for me,’ Lyndon lifted his head towards the terminal entrance in the hope of catching a glimpse of his grandpa.  Tessa smiled at Lyndon, but when she smiled at Brad, he noted it did not reach her eyes.  Again Tessa, kept her distance from Brad, ensuring Lyndon walked between her and Brad.  Nobody could suspect the emotional turmoil wrangling inside Tessa’s head.  Her head held high, a pleasant smile on her face, her shoulders upright she strode elegantly into the arrivals terminal.  She could do this blindfolded, having done it so often in her life, she proceeded to the first class lounge to await her father’s private jet. 

Tessa did not see the admiring glances their way.  Men gazed open mouthed at the strikingly sexy lady in figure hugging denims.   Ladies could not tear their eyes away from her handsome husband, and everybody who looked, gushed at the gorgeous little boy, holding tightly to his daddy’s hand.  Brad shifted closer to Tessa, as one male passing by looked over his shoulder to cast a second appraising look at Tessa.  Casually Brad draped his arm around Tessa’s waist, ‘you okay darling?’

Tessa stiffened, she wanted to dart Brad with an icy glare, but she could not make a spectacle in public.  ‘Fine thank you,’ she mumbled, not even bothering to look at Brad.  He kept his arm around his wife, attempting to stave off all the offensive admiring glances.  Tessa recognized her husband’s jealous streak and wondered who was irking her husband, but could not be bothered to find out at this moment.

‘Grandpa!’  Tessa felt Lyndon attempting to jerk his hand out of hers.  She scanned her immediate vicinity but could not see her father.

‘Sweetheart, wait until grandpa gets closer.’  Tessa looked at Lyndon and tried to follow the direction of his eyes, but still could not see Joseph.  She smiled inwardly, could it be that she was merely blocking his image away?

‘There’s my grandpa momma.  There he is,’ Lyndon pointed, jumping up and down repeatedly, clearly elated.  Finally Tessa was able to see Joseph and her mum.  He dad still looked good.  Tall, well built and distinguished looking.  He seemed happy, relaxed.  He still had his full head of hair, he walked confidently.  Tessa smiled when she saw her mom smiling.  Her mom looked radiant.  She looked like a mature version of Tessa. 

‘Okay go ahead Lyndon, but please don’t run.’  Tessa saw her folks recognized where they waited, and then her eyes locked with Joseph’s.  Involuntarily Tessa’s hand reached for Brad’s.  Her hand clung to Brad’s like a vice grip.  Brad sensed more than saw his wife go tense, as she stood rigidly next to him.  Using his right hand he waved casually.  Tessa drew strength from Brad’s comforting presence.  

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