Chapter Sixteen

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Two weeks passed since Malachy showed up, and for two weeks I've been in heaven. The ceremony was just around the corner but while I felt nervous about it I couldn't be happier having Malachy here with me. He'd opened up to me, telling me what his mother would do, and though I was horrified that a mother could make their child go through something like that I was furious.

"You do know that I'm sorry for everything Hazel. I know I have said it a million times but I can't express it enough." Malachy said, his voice and eyes expressing his regret.

I reached out and grabbed his hand. "I know Malachy and really the only thing that matters is your here with me now. I don't care about the past." I told him honestly.

He shook his head and drew me close, I blushed as I felt every hard muscle of his chest. "How did I get so lucky." He asked no one in particular.

I giggled and kissed his chin, pulling away quickly as I heard a throat clear behind us. I turned and seen Sage standing there avoiding eye contact. I frowned, since Malachy had shown up, Sage has been distant and I didn't know why. Id tried to ask him but he would say it was nothing and then he'd suddenly be busy.

"Sage?" I stood up, going around the couch. I stopped in front of him. "Why are you avoiding me?" I asked, unable to keep the hurt from my voice.

Sage looked at me finally for a moment then to Malachy. I heard Malachy stand and then felt the warm of his chest seeping into my back. "You should tell her Sage she has a right to know."

I looked over my shoulder at Malachy. What was he talking about? I looked at Sage confused. He seemed nervous and I began to worry. "What is it?"
Sage shifted from foot to foot, "I- uh I'll be leaving right after the ceremony."

My eyes widened, "what? Why?" I grabbed Sages arm, willing him to look at me.

He did, and his eyes we're filled with such sadness that it made me tear up. What had my friend so sad that he felt he needed to leave? "I'm in love with you Hazel."

He had said it so quietly I thought that I'd misheard him. "What?"

Sage sighed, "I've been in love with you for years. I didn't say anything because- because you deserved your mate."

I never, ever expected this. I didn't know. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I knew how much you looked forward to having a mate. I couldn't be selfish.." He admitted, I moved my hand off of his arm and stared at him.

All this time. I've talked to him about everything n. How I dreamt my mate would be, how much I already loved my mate that I never met and he has loved me all this time. I felt guilt rise through me. "I'm so sorry." I whispered, tears clouding my eyes.

Sage looked panicked, "why? You have nothing yo be sorry for Hazel! Nothing at all."

I shook my head, "I talked about having a mate with you everything with you, while you loved me. I can't imagine how you felt. I'm sorry Sage that I can't return your love. You deserve love and I do love you but-"

Sage cut me off, "Hazel. I don't blame you. Your perfect, and even though I knew it would never go anywhere I don't regret falling in love with you. I don't want you blaming yourself for anything. Okay? I'm okay, I knew this day  would come. I have your fathers permission to leave and to come back when I choose. This isn't goodbye."

I could only cry, I heard Sage ask Malachy something but couldn't make it out. I was suddenly pulled into an embrace and when I looked up I seen that it was Sage. I buried my face in his chest. "You'll always be my bestie!" I chocked out.

Sage's chest vibrated with his chuckled. "And you'll always be mine." He leaned down, whispering in my ear. "You be happy Hazel because you deserve it."

I nodded and held onto my best friend.


After Sage left Malachy and I alone I turned and faced Malachy who immediately grabbed me and crashed me against his chest. He buried his face in my hair and sniffed. I giggled, and held onto him even though I felt the blush threatening to appear.

"Thank you for allowing that. I hope you know how much it meant to me." I said softly.

Malachy moved his head just a bit and I gasped in shock as his lips scorched my skin as he kissed my neck. "I know baby, but don't make a habit of hugging other men. Your mine." The last part came out in a soft growl.

"I am, and always will be. Malachy, mark me please. I want to be one step closer to being fully yours." I begged as his tongue snaked out. I grabbed hold of this shirt tightly, never wanting this feeling to leave.

"Are you sure?" He asked, and I nodded frantically. He moved away from my neck and I whimpered at the loss of contact which turned into a moan as his lips met mine in a desperate but passionate kiss. We kissed until I pulled away to breath, he trailed his lips down my jaw then to my neck slowly making his way to where my neck and shoulder connect before grazing the skin teasingly.

I whimpered again and arched my neck to give him better access. I suddenly felt his canines pierce my skin and I groaned in pain then it turned to pleasure. I gasped when he retracted his canines and licked the sensitive spot clean.

"Your mine now." He growled, pulling bsck then grabbing my ha ir. His eyes darle ed and i knew Ash His Wolf was in partial control. "My beautiful mate. I love you so much."

"I love you too mate, forever."


One chapter left!!!!!!!

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