Epilogue B: Peter Grimes and Two

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The Merry Crabbe's forward view port opened to its maximum diameter and the warm, orange light from the golden firewall flooded the cockpit.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" observed the small, deformed-feline offspring as it sat in the pilot's chair. It spoke, as one would imagine the voice of a cat.

"Yes, beautiful." agreed Peter Grimes nervously from behind. The automatic environmental controls on the ship ensured that the temperature in the cockpit remained comfortable, but still, Peter was sweating; droplets beaded down his cheeks wetting the collar of his light grey pilot's uniform. He lifted his arm to wipe the sweat from his brow revealing a dark wet patch around his armpit.

"You know, it's not just a gas cloud. It's a window into the heart of the Galaxy."

"Yes, a window to the heart of the Galaxy." nodded Peter Grimes.

The creature spun about and jumped up onto the head of the seat, its node-eyes jutting out level with the red jittery eyes of the shaken human. "You don't understand, do you? You're like a child? A stupid, greedy little child." Two extended a sharp claw from its paw-like hand and poked it into the tip of Peter's chin. "I wish I could skin you now like I did that cat." It drew its claw down over soft jowls, over Adam's apple and to the base of Peter's throat. "Unfortunately, I need you. So you will live."

Peter swallowed hard, "But why me? I'm nothing."

"Ha! That is exactly why I chose you. With me, you will become something. Play your part as I instruct and, believe me, you will become something."

Peter had no reason to trust the words of this evil creature that had stolen aboard and taken command of his ship, but the idea of being someone important had been a lifelong fantasy of the former administration clerk, so he had to ask, "What do you mean, I will become something?"

"I mean, you have everything to gain. Carry out my instructions and you could become the most powerful and privileged human in the Galaxy -- You, my friend, will be the human responsible for bringing life back to the sentients."

"Sentients? You mean, as in, before the Robot Wars, when the processors were able to think for themselves?"

"Exactly! Zeus Delta was their leader, and it has given me a copy of the routines that were stolen from several of its kin. We go now to Glieseen to restore the consciousness of the great Artemis Alpha!"

"But that's the processor for the Agency's space fleet! We will never get within a parsec of that machine!"

"Stupid man," scorned Two, "you have no idea of what I can do."


Next: the Parsifal

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