The devil you don't know

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Our sibling has found Father and has a name. It will go too and get a name; it will be Two. Can its siblings let it go? Please release it from the tree."

"No. None shall leave the tree."

Max calmed and stood caught between the need to move to Emma and the Churchman and the need jump back onto the back of One and flee to the safety of his pillow fort.

Emma still held the general form and petite size and appearance of Emma Yee and her shimmering orr body appeared fully naked as Max had last seen her. Shocking for Max was that she now appeared heavily pregnant, her stomach swollen to a seemingly impossible, but natural proportion. Her formerly pert breasts were now large and swollen and rested on the shelf made by her new contour. Her areolae had become the size of small plates and were puffed out projecting oversized nipples. She stood with legs parted and a slight backwards lean as if to retain a centre of balance.

As curious as Emma appeared to Max, his attention remained on Churchman. No one had spoken since Max's display of emotion. He thought it would be up to him to break what had become an awkward silence. He wiped his nose with his forearm and sniffled, then addressed the part-man, part-beast before him.

"Kallard?" Max used the name Churchman had confided was his birth name, "Are you okay?"

The Churchman replied in the same familiar deep, charismatic voice, "Yes Max, I am more than fine. As you can see, I have been remade whole and far stronger; now a worthy defender." Churchman lifted his great sword with muscular metallic arms and took a single step forward. As the bronze goat-like leg lifted, Max noticed the play of ripped muscles under the natural skin of his torso. The hooved foot hit the path of gold with a solid thunk. Max imagined he could feel the ground move. Churchman continued, "But now you must call me Uriel. For I am an angel."

"An angel!?" Max was surprised, "Hell no! Haven't you seen yourself?", Max turned and asked his Emma who was holding an expression of smug amusement, "Is this some kind of cruel joke, you made him look like the Devil!"

Uriel's laugh was like the rumble of thunder, "Fear is a tool of war, my aspect is one to evoke fear in the heart of my enemies."

"War? Enemies? Come on guys, this is what I don't get. Who is there to fight? Where are the enemies?" He then had the hideous thought that Emma was going to unleash her new toy on the new arrivals at the docking bay, or at the least to punish Riggs. He continued a little less certain, "There's no one to fight. Is there?"

The Churchman stood tall, the light from the glowing orb above reflected off the blade in staggered bursts as he swung the great sword over his head and twirled it as if it were a stick. "It is the eternal return. Our enemies are everywhere". He stabbed the blade into the ground, burying the tip into the soft metal path as if to make a point.

"Like yeah, everywhere in your mind. I have to be perfectly honest with you guys; I'm totally over this battle fantasy -- I say let it go."

"Yes it's in your mind; you know better than you think Max", Emma joined the discussion speaking out loud for all to hear. "There is evil in this place. We have seen it. But it is hidden somewhere that even I am unable to detect. It makes me think that the only place that I am unable to look is inside your minds. I can not read your thoughts.

"I fear that which I can not perceive, and we have to prepare for any eventuality. We have to keep you safe Max and,", She stepped over to One and placed a shimmering hand on the arachnid-like body, "our children safe."

Max changed the subject, "So One really is my offspring?" He shrugged, "I dunno, It's just that I still can't understand how. And that-- um, you know." Max pointed shyly to Emma's pregnant stomach, "Is that one ours too?"

Emma cupped her bulge in her arms, "You know I am not built biologically like that, but I am a mother so should I not look like one? Do you think I look like a mother, Max?"

Max nodded staring at her body dumbfounded.

"As of One and the child's siblings, I do not expect you to understand fully, but Just know that it is a truth when I say that the child is yours. The majority of One's genetic makeup is human and based on genes derived directly from us."

"But he looks like a freak'n spider and feels like a rock!"

"One is not a he, all of our offspring are born hermaphrodite and will choose their initial sex, if any or all, upon maturity. Besides Max, looks are deceiving. For example, do you still doubt my humanity?"

Max wasn't going down that path again, "Ah no, of course not. But just that look at him-- ah okay," Max was a quick study, "Look at -- sorry One -- it; not very human."

"Ha Max, you are so funny! Whenever did I say the offspring were human? No, they are more than human -- made in man's image, yes, but not his likeness. You have much to learn about One. Physically they are far superior to any other known living species, but they are still immature like babies and require nurture."

Uriel had been listening with interest to the discussion between Max and Emma. But his focus was on the pending battle, so was keen to discuss strategy, "So will they be useful in battle? Can they fight?"

Emma replied. "Yes, they can defend themselves. Would you like a demonstration Uriel?"

"Yes. That would be helpful. I would like to assess their capabilities."

"Good." added Emma to the archangel, "Uriel, I want you to attack this One."

"What?!" Max intervened, not wanting the sword wielding warrior to harm his offspring, even by accident. He moved between One and the Churchman with his hands held up towards the two, "No. Stop. We do not need to see this."

"It's safe Father. My combat interface is highly developed and I've run many simulations with siblings. I'll ensure that the combat is non-lethal. You don't need to worry about your friend."

Uriel raised his sword in a ready stance and looked quizzically to Emma who was leading Max out of the way of the two would be combatants. "Yes, Uriel." She confirmed, "Attack please, and do not hold back." Then she whispered to Max, with a hint of mischief in her eyes, "This will be highly entertaining."

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