Chapter 4: Day of Preparation

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Chapter 4: Day of Preparation

"Alright everyone~ let us enjoy the nearing field trip days together!" said Koro-sensei.

"All right!" replied everyone in unison.

     Today, 2 days left before the field trip begins, Koro-sensei dismissed us a bit early to prepare ourselves for the field trip. Foods, beverages, clothes, tents... everything. Well, I couldn't blame it—since, we have school tomorrow, and we'll be lack of time if we do the preparations tomorrow. I shrugged and make my way to the door.

"Karma!" called Sugino.

     I glanced. A single expression is only expressed through my face – boredom.


"Wanna go out with us for shopping?"

"What are you, a girl?"

"Awww don't be so rude! C'mon, we're just gonna buy foods—not dresses!"


"You're in?"

"I'm not."

"Ehh?!" replied everyone in unison.

"If you have nothing more to say, then I'll leave now."

     That's the sentence I uttered before walking out of the classroom alone.


[Sugino's POV]

"That Karma—"

"Everyone, back to your seats now," said Koro-sensei as Karma walks out of the room.


"Koro-sensei, what's wrong?" asked Isogai.

     Everyone became curious after what have happened—by Mr. Principal's words. Everyone wondered why he had apologized to Karma.

          Everyone is clueless.

"Alright then. Let's settle this. Is Karma-kun not around?"

"Probably, he's ditching class again."

"Very well, then. Tomorrow, dismissal – everyone should not leave. Let Karma-kun leave first."

"Huh? Why?"

"I'll go tell you all the reason—he and Nagisa-kun's secret."

"... 'Secret'?"

"Yes, secret!"


     That's how this story goes on—in our classroom today. As we get on our seats, everyone, without Karma and Nagisa, opens their ears, lending it to Koro-sensei, which is standing in front of the classroom. We are all serious in this truth about those two.

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