The Letter

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The Letter

Ms. Hiromi told me to go inside Nagisa's bedroom to read his letter alone, peacefully. I closed his door and sat on his soft bed.

His smell...

It's sweet and gentle...

I opened his notepad. A square-folded paper falls onto me. I took the folded paper and opened it, though, it has a lot of blood. I didn't care anymore. The folded paper...

... is his letter-his very last writings... in this world...

Tears began to fell down my cheeks upon seeing his unintelligible writing because it was rushed. Albeit it's unintelligible, I still read it-staring, until I got his words.


December 30, xxxx 9:48pm

To my best-ever loving boyfriend - Karma,

Hey, how are you tonight? Tonight's our 'best' night, isn't it? I had a lot of fun tonight... though this is the last. This is sudden, isn't it? I'm so sad... very, very sad... I don't want to leave you. I really don't want. I want to be with you until the end, you know?

"I want too! Don't you know it?!"

I know this is impossible-to wrote a letter suddenly after you got beaten. But I did. I did... for you.

"Yeah... really... you made it."

Before I lose my breath, I just want to say thank you... Thank you very much for everything. For making me smile, For sharing your memories with me, for admitting your feelings, for having me tonight...


For having you... tonight...'

Especially, for our memories, Our 'own' memories together. I really am so grateful by those memories. I'll treasure them together... forever... Also, I'm sorry for suddenly leaving you, for not telling you immediately, because they didn't let me to.

I really am sorry, Karma.

Albeit I didn't have the chance to say this to you again personally, I'll just write this here.

Akabane Karma, I love you.

"Yeah... I love you too."

Very much


Very, very much."

Please don't forget about me, okay? Promise me.

From your loving 'boy'friend,

--- Nagisa

"I'll love you forever."

"I promise... I won't. But please...

... guide me."

[To be continued...]

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