Chapter 1: Announcement - The Mountain Ai

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Chapter 1: Announcement - The Mountain Ai

     It's been a month, since Nagisa was died 'out-of-the-blue'. Since that day happened, everyone from class 3 – E seem can't focus on their studies straight, because of Nagisa's precious memories that was left here. Also, there's his 'memento' – his seat – his 'spotless' seat between Kayano and Nakamura. It took them a very long time before they've finally accepted the truth:

     That Shiota Nagisa is now gone... forever.

          That my beloved 'boy'friend is dead already...

Even Koro-sensei, every time he's seeing his 'valedictorian-assassin's [empty] seat, he couldn't hamper his overwhelming tears, pouring down on his yellow cheeks.

     'That's how I describe it, so shut up.'

It's been two months.

     And everyone seemed have move-on already.


[Karma's POV]

     'Another day, another class bell rings,' is what his daily motto during class days.

          I miss that.

     Again, I didn't come at the morning assembly because it's boring. I don't want to hear those non-sense thoughts again—never... without Nagisa.

     As soon as the class were gathered up already, Koro-sensei begins to teach us. Nice, it's another boring day in hell. I should've ditched.

     But I'm a hundred percent sure that Nagisa is watching me, so I can't.


     Fourth hour of the class; surprisingly, the school principal visits our classroom. Koro-sensei, who's teaching seriously in the midst suddenly stops, looking at our 'special' visitor.

"Nyuyaaa?!! M-m-m-mr. P-p-p-princip-pal?!!"

"Greetings, Koro-sensei and class E."

     His voice has a dark aura inside.

"W-w-w-what's wrong Mr. Principal? Did I—"

"Don't be afraid, I'm here to announce something."

"H-huh?" everyone mumbled in unison.

He enters our classroom, taking Koro-sensei's position in the front whilst smiling. The big yellow creature stands aside, giving the platform to the head of the Kunugigaoka Junior High School: Asano Gakuhō.

     I hate his smile.

"Well, I'm here to announce something: it was announced that the school will be having a three-days-two-nights field trip, wasn't it? I was just thinking if you already heard about the "Mountain Ai"?"

A yellow-haired girl snapped out, "Ah! I know that! That mountain has a lot of 'magical' rumors lingering around the entire village nearby there!" replied Nakamura.

"Oh? So you're aware, aren't you? I'm glad, someone here knows about that." The principal replied with interest. He's impressed by the way he's heard Nakamura's snap.

"Then, why are you asking about that, Mr. Asano?" asked Sugino.

"Well, I heard one of your 'precious' classmate was died two months ago. If I am not mistaken, Shiota Nagisa, is he?"

     'Shiota Nagisa... don't you dare to remind me—'

     The bastard looks at Nagisa's seat. I clenched my fists, ready to punch the person in front of us.

          'Nagisa, please let me punch this guy once.'

"Ah, I'm sorry, Akabane-kun."


I snapped out from my thoughts because of the sudden call. "For what?"

"For reminding you," the principal responded.

     I bit my lower lip, glaring.

     Nagisa... please let me to...

     "Don't, Karma!"


"Ah, back to my point: I'm actually planning to have you, class E, to have your field trip at the Mountain Ai."

     Surely, our eyes are all perfectly wide—all surprised.

"HUH?!" everyone said in unison.

"But why, Mr. Asano?" the ikemen, Isogai asked.

The principal placed his hands on the table, leaning a bit. "I'm thinking of that rumor, since I heard the news about Shiota-kun. Maybe you can consider this as a 'help' from me, if the rumors are true."

"What rumors?" Isogai asked.

"There are a lot of rumors there, Mr. Principal. I only knew the rumors about lovers," Nakamura said.

"Oh, is that so? I see then. True, that the Mountain Ai has a lot of rumors. In and out of the place; but different stories based from different persons living nearby there.

     Some people say when you enter the mountain's 'entrance' with someone opposite of your gender, you'll fall in love with that person immediately. That's the rumor you knew, right, Nakamura-san?"

"Yes, that's it," the yellow-haired curious lass replied.

"So you don't know its 'top' rumour, correct?"

Everyone replied in unison, "Top... rumour?"

"This is why people there are trying their best to reach the mountain's top. Let me tell you the story."

     Everyone gulps, even Koro-sensei. No one in this classroom is in the mood to talk – they're listening well.

     Mountain Ai... should I believe these rumors around?

"Heck no."

[To be continued...]

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