Chapter 4

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“Where you been bitch?” she heard the familiar voice growl into her ear and suddenly she feels as if there is no hope left. Her body had stiffened and couldn’t form the words although they felt as if they were sitting on the edge of her lips.

“I want to know.” the voice was no longer recognizable as it was whispered into her ear. It was filled with so much rage and hate that her mind had gone blank. 

She opened the front door and booted her into the dark space as she fell to the ground the contents of her bag spilling everywhere.

The silence fills her with terror as he towers over her. She begins to question whether or not she made the right choice in not telling the detective everything. If she had, would she be there safe with someone holding her watching this evil man getting locked up behind bars? Or would she be dead by now? Surely it didn’t matter, she would be dead in minutes. 

Despite the mess of her belongings, one thing from her handbag had caught the mans eye and it enraged him even more.

She began to watch her life flash before her eyes. She should have told the detective. She should have told Harry. She should have run away. She should have begged her mother to let her stay. She should have stopped this before it had gotten to its current point. 


He ran into the cool air conditioned building, his throat stinging, panting, pleading for air to fill his longs as he stumbled to the front desk, “What’s wrong son? Your friend beat you in a football game?” the cop chuckled.

“My friend-” he gasped for air, “She- A man. He followed. With a knife. Her throat.” he fought for dominance over his struggling lungs. “Don’t let her die.” he pleaded to the man, water immediately pouring from his eyes. “Please.” He barely whispered through his sobs. 


“Please! Unc- Zayn! I was- I was j-just..” she struggled to find the words as the six inch knife caught the setting sunlight through the window. 

“You were trying to get me caught.” he spat at her. “You dirty little whore- After all I have done for you!” he screamed at her wincing fragile self. 

“No! No! They were trying fix my ja-” “Shut up!” He cut her off. 

“Please Zayn,” she whimpered, “Please.”


Harry rode in the screaming car with one of the officers as he sped through the London streets. He was panic stricken as the officer tried to calm him down.

He spoke words like, “You did the right thing by coming to us.” “Don’t worry.” “We will do everything we can.” but that last one struck him pretty hard. The officer didn’t even have hope she would survive. 

This made Harry sob even harder. “Please let her be okay.” He whispered to the ceiling of the car that now came to a sudden halt. 

“This is the address you told us.” The man said parking the car and getting out. And Harry took in a deep breath, not prepared for what he might find.


“Please!” And in the moment of rage he brutally murdered his niece. He struck the fragile skin that lay below him and a scream rang out as the blade pierced deeper and deeper into the skin. And he repeated this again and again far after all screams had silenced, until he found himself being dragged away from the lifeless body in front of him. 

He watched as multiple men dragged him past a young boy, with curly hair and green blood-shot eyes, who was screaming pleads of life into the air towards the cold, blood splattered girl. The boy fought against two men, crying as if his whole world had just stopped spinning.

Harry fought and fought until eventually he slipped through the men’s grip and he pushed kneeling men out of the way as he made his way to the young girl he had fallen in love with three years prior. 

He silently sobbed as he slowly knelt down examining the horrifying scene in front of him. 

He pushed a piece of hair from the girls cold, pale face. Even in this lifeless state, she still held the same beauty she did while full of life. 

A cry escaped his lips and his eyes became foggy with fresh tears that he quickly began to blink away as he examined the mess of things next to her and found two small cards laying in the chaos. 

One was an I.D. of a beautiful young, smiling girl. It read;

Name; Addison Malik

DOB; 16 August

The other card was a police card with a number underlined. 

It was then that he realized that the girl he had fallen in love with had left his earth in the worst way all because she got a card on her thirteenth birthday.

He dropped both cards and allowed himself to rest his head on her chest where he wept wishing he had gotten the chance to tell the girl of his dreams how he had felt. 

If only he had known she had felt that way too. 

A/N: Ahhhh!!! That was a bit of an emotional one huh?

Almost shed a tear witing it! </3 

Anywho! So.... I guess this story is done! If you want me to do anything with this story like "Bonus Chapters" or anything, let me know! 

I will take requests!

But please let me know what you think! I love you all!!! <3 <3 <3 <3






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