Chapter 5/Day 1:5

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The shower was quick, and you were quick to dry off and toss back on Lukas's shirt and your bathing suit bottoms very temporarily, since you forgot clothes again and actually needed to confront Emily about the topic. Lukas's shirt was good cover, but the bathing suit bottoms were still slightly wet from pool fun time. They'd do until Emily got in though.

You didn't bother to roll up the sleeves or tuck in the shirt to make it seem less baggy or like you had appropriate bottoms on because you barely noticed or cared that the shirt was hanging over you like a grandma christmas sweater. It was comfortable and smelled good, like magic -- which was what Lukas was most likely comprised of.

Magic and chess. That's still about as much as you knew about him. And that he was easily embarrassed and sweet, but those didn't seem like daily activities for him, those seemed to be triggered by the awkwardness of the Awkward Queen (F/n). Maybe the sweetness was him though, he seemed like a nice guy.

Those thoughts passed through your mind quickly though, because you weren't too keen on keeping Lukas waiting or staying in the swim bottoms long enough for them to defeat the purpose of you bathing.

You exited the bathroom cautiously, looking down the hall to see of Lukas had finished his shower as quick as you had. No, he hadn't. The light was still on, the door was still closed, and the sound of the water hitting the bottom of the tub was just barely audible through the hall. you looked the other way, towards the stairs to see if Mikkel or Emily were coming up. No, they weren't. Probably still making out. You sighed and decided to not wait up on Emily for your question, instead scavenging yourself to find what you wanted.

You made your way to Emily's room and opened the door slowly, making sure no one was in there before jumping for the nearest thing that could hold other things -- i.e. dressers, closets, chests, etc.. First you looked through her closet, figuring that's where what you wanted would most likely be, and bingo. You must be some sort of psychic.

There they were in all their glory; the other half of the prophecy. The onesie. Not just one, but four. Everyone was going to be wearing a onesie tonight. Everyone.

Maniacal laughter ensued as you plucked a onesie from a hanger and held it in your hands like the blood of your enemies and crouched on the floor. Your evil cheer was cut short by the sense that someone was behind you, and you turned to see Lukas standing in the doorway. You paled.

"Did you hear me?" Lukas nodded and you shook your head, disappointed but not surprised with yourself. You should really stop doing that. You rubbed the back of your neck and the corners of your lip sparked up slightly. "I might just be a weirdo, the jury's still out on this one."

Lukas smiled slightly, you returning the smile with a much brighter one because you were happy he found you maybe the tiniest bit humorous. You quickly cut in before anything got awkward by saying, "Ah, almost forgot that there was something in my hand!" You looked down at the onesie in your hand and up towards the ones hanging in the closet before turning towards Lukas cheerily, "Grab a onesie Lukas, that's what we're changing into." You'd failed to previously recognize what Lukas was wearing because of being absorbed in your embarrassment, but he'd changed into sweatpants and a white T-shirt that were obviously supposed to function as sleepwear, but not today.

Lukas walked over to the closet and you stood up to take out the choices with him and lay them across Emily's bed. That's when you had a little uh-oh moment in your head. There was a unicorn, an owl, a lion, and a bear. The thing was, the bear and lion were a brown color with yellow accents while the unicorn and owl were baby blue with pink accents.

"They're..." You trailed off, but Lukas amiably finished your thought, "Matching."

You examined Lukas from the corner of your eye nervously. This wasn't a big issue for you, but if he didn't want to match-

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