Chapter 3/Day 1:3

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When you walked back into Emily's room you decided to keep on Lukas's shirt. It was more comfortable than the clothes you brought and you were sure Lukas wouldn't mind, or at least wouldn't say anything. You all got back into your previous positions around the table and Emily grabbed a bowl filled with little slips of paper.

"First we shall Truth or Dare, with my own little twist!"

She put the glass bowl in the center of the table and picked up another one from behind her, under her bed, placing it next to the first.

"Every person will be equip with a few choices of truths and dares based on the pieces of paper they grab. Once it's your turn you will decide whether you will truth or dare someone, and based on your pieces of paper you will either give them a truth or dare." Emily smiled wickedly, "Don't worry, I made good ones."

You weren't sure you quite got it, but from the looks of Emily's smile you knew it couldn't be good.

"Mikkel, you first!" Emily held the bowl out for him and he nervously chuckled.

"Alright, just tell me what to do." Emily placed both bowls in front of him.

"Pick 3 pieces from each bowl." Now that she had them turned slightly you could see one was labeled Truth accompanied by little halos while the other was labeled Dare with little fire surrounding it. Nice design choice, though you would've used more spoopy skeleton skulls on both. You looked up at Lukas to see his eyes fixed on Mikkel's hand as he picked up some slips of paper from the bowls. He must be as lost as you. You started paying close attention too when Emily started speaking again.

"Now, just for this test run he'll say one out loud, but in the actual game you'll just pass the person you choose the paper and we'll just have to guess what was on the paper by what they say or do. Go ahead babe."

Mikkel nodded and held a slip of paper up, "Okay, this is a truth! What... I don't like this one." Emily peeked at the slip and started laughing, kissing his forehead before saying, "Absolutely nothing."

You saw Lukas cringe as you were cringing.

"So yeah, it goes a little like that. Everyone pick your pieces, 3 from each bowl!"

Lukas took his pick first, you going second, and Emily last since Mikkel's only needed one more truth slip.

"Alright, we'll start at the opposite end this time- Lukas!" Emily announced cheerfully, "We'll be going clockwise." That meant you were next. Who were you going to pick? Probably Mikkel just so Emily could watch him do something embarrassing. She would probably appreciate that. Just as you were grinning about that, Lukas slid a piece of paper to Emily who picked it up and giggled before saying, "Yup."

And the point of this game was lost on you. You wanted to know what the hell he just asked her to make her giggle and let out that oddly sexual yup and also why Lukas was looking away and hiding his mouth with his hand at the answer. Screw Mikkel, you were giving one of these bad boys to Lukas.

You had 6 slips, 3 truths and 3 dares. Your truths were what you expected: What color underwear are you wearing right now, What is your wildest sexual fantasy, and then give up one of your biggest secrets. Your dares were worse: Go skinny dipping in the pool, Make romantic advances on your best friend for the rest of the game, and Candy mouth swap. There were stars on the first and last dares' papers so you knew she had an extra fun time writing those. You were also going to have an extra fun time not using those. But for now, what you wanted was a truth from Lukas, a big secret. Maybe he would admit he liked his best friend's girlfriend, which would be Emily, or maybe he would admit he was a mythical creature. That'd be fine too.

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