Chapter Five: Armageddon PPV (*Part - 2*)

Start from the beginning

Randy uncrossed his arms and stepped closer to me. "NO, I did NOT. What I said was that I would never want to be with someone who slept around as much as you did. That was it. I don't hate you. I just don't like the fact that you seem to be with every single guy here..."

"Look, I'm only 25 years old, Randy. I'm not looking for somebody to spend the rest of my life with right now. And why do you even care? I told you.. I don't want to be with you anymore. Why are you still.. upset?"

Randy doesn't answer.

"Well? Spit it out."

He moved out of the doorway and said, "Come in ...for a second.."

"Okayy..." I walked in and he shut the door.

When we were face-to-face, he took a deep breath and looked at me.

I waited for him to say something, when all of a sudden, he pulled me towards him and...

Kissed me.

... hard.

.... It lasted about two of the longest minutes I have ever known...

When he pulled back, he said, "..There. I said what I needed to say. Now get out."

I was dumbfounded.


Randy Orton just kissed me.


On purpose.


I turned away slowly ...and opened the door to leave...

After I closed it, I started walking back to the bathroom, where I told Edge I was going in the first place.

... A thousand things ran through my head at once.




that's why...

he got so upset with me... so many..

...other guys..


what about Edge..?

... I love him so much...

...but that kiss...

..was amazing...

...And Randy has trouble talking about his true feelings....

... so he kissed me...

...And I liked him so much before... before Adam came in the picture...

..I used to be obssessed with him..

...but now that he finally likes me...

...I'm already in a relationship...

.. but I still have feelings for Randy..

I shook my head and suddenly I bumped into someone and fell down on my butt..


"Sorry Kelly, I didn't see you," said Christian. He held out his hand for me to hold and helped me up. "I was playing this new game with this app I just downloaded from iTunes. It's so awesome. You wanna see?"

"Sorry Christian.. I have a lot on my mind right now. Maybe later.."

"Okay. See you later."


I continued down the hallway..

still thinking...

God, what am I supposed to do?


I need to tell someone.

And why the heck do I keep feeling as if I'm being watched?

Instinctively, I turn around.. but all I see are the regular cameraguys and equipment people standing around and talking to eachother.

Got to find Eve..

When I find her and tell her everything (I can do that because we're besties), she tells me to take a deep breath..

I do.

"Now... when I ask you a question, you tell me the honest-to-goodness truth.. alright?"

"Alright, Eve."

"Good.. Ready?" I nodded. "Okay.. do you love Adam Copeland?"


"Do you love Randy Orton?"

I hesitated.. "I don't know."

"On a scale of  1 to 10, how does Adam treat you, 1 being horribly."


"How does Randy treat you?"

"Before a while ago.. 2."

"Who do you feel like wants you the most?"

"... I don't know.. I mean, I know Adam loves me, but... I feel like Randy needs me somehow... The way he kissed me. It was more of an 'I need you' kiss than an 'I want you' kiss. I mean, it was kind of both, I.. Oh, I am SO CONFUSED, EVE!"

I put my head on her chest and she wraps her arms around me. "It's okay, Kelly.. you'll figure something out.."

That's when Kaitlyn came running over.

"Oh my God, Kelly!" she said.

"What? What's wrong?" I asked her.

"It's Edge! He's making out with one of the Bella Twins!"

"What? No he isn't. Kaitlyn, why are you--"

"No, I'm serious! Come see for yourself!"

She grabbed my arm and quickly took me down the hallway and around a corner.

When we stopped, my heart sank...

Adam was... indeed... kissing one of the Bella Twins..

Which one?

I didn't give a damn.

"ADAM!" I yelled, marching over to them. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?"

He pulled away from her fast and his eyes widend. "Oh, God... Kelly.. It's.. It's not what it looks like.."


Nikki Bella looked surprised too and I gave her the dirtiest look ever. "WHAT THE HELL, NIKKI?" I said to her.

"Um, he kissed me!"

"Is that true?" I asked Edge.

He ran his fingers through his hair. "Look, Kelly I am so sorry, I didn't mean to--"

But I slapped him quiet.

"YOU CHEATER!" I screamed.

Then I stormed off.

Eve followed me. "Kelly, wait!"


Tears ran down my cheeks for the second time today..

I went straight to my locker room and locked the door.


I'm done.

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