"Okay, Dad." She said, quietly. She got up and started up the stairs when he called after her.

"Actually wait, take the garbage out before you go to your room..." He sounded disappointed, much like her mom had.

She turned around on the steps and went to the kitchen to gather the trash bag before going outside.

She hadn't even finished walking down the driveway when she heard Mitchie's voice.

"You didn't do what I told you to."

Alex froze in place and dropped the trash bag. She was enraged. She turned towards the direction of the voice and saw Mitchie descending the steps of her house. Did she just wait out here for her to come out? How did she know she was coming? She didn't even question these things anymore.

"What do you want." Alex said, pointedly. "Haven't you ruined my life enough already?"

Mitchie casually strolled to the fence line that separated their properties as if nothing had happened at all.

"I didn't ruin your life. You're doing it yourself by being a bad girlfriend."

Alex felt brave and walked over to the fence where Mitchie was.

"What kind of fucking girlfriend asks her girlfriend to cut their hands up? Hmm?! None that I've ever heard of." Alex confronted her.

Mitchie grinned. "You just said I was your girlfriend."

Of course Mitchie had only heard that part of what she said, Alex thought, glumly.

Alex shook her head. "No I didn't. I'm just playing along with your little game. You want me to say it, so I do. It doesn't mean anything." She paused for a moment. "You know what? I'm starting to wonder just how much actual trouble I would get in if you did call the cops on me. Cause I'm done with all of this."

Mitchie pulled a phone out of her pocket. "Good question. Should we find out?"

That wasn't the same phone Alex had found on the couch last night. It didn't really shock her at this point.

"So what happened to the other phone?" Alex asked, ignoring the threat.

Mitchie laughed. "I don't even know who it belongs to. I found it in this house when we moved in. Remember when I said you were supposed to feel accomplished for finding it? Well now you know what I meant. Do you really think I'm that much of an amateur to leave my actual phone conveniently sitting on the couch for you to look through?"

Alex felt incredibly stupid after hearing this. Of course she had felt like she had accomplished something when she found it, but apparently it was Mitchie's plan all along. God, this girl was a psycho.

Alex turned and walked away. "Whatever." She picked up the trash bag and walked it to the trash can at the edge of the driveway.

"Aw, did I hurt your feelings? I'm sorry babe."

Alex discovered Mitchie had followed alongside her, which again, wasn't a surprise anymore.

She opened the lid of the trash can and dropped the bag in, then spun around to face Mitchie on the opposite side of the fence again. "So what are you gonna do now? I didn't follow your stupid fucking rules. And I'm not going to. So what are you gonna do next? Cut the brakes in my car or something? I wouldn't put it past you. You're fucking crazy."

Mitchie narrowed her eyes and pointed her finger at Alex. "Do not. Call me. Crazy."

Alex rolled her eyes. Yes of course this girl was clearly sane, right? Completely normal. This was what all friends did, right?

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