Chapter 16

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(Hey reread the last chapter and also I decided to finish a chapter before posting.)

I get up and I heads towards my car and I get in. I knew where they would be so I headed towards there. I looked at the gun that was in my passenger seat and with the bullets. I brought it just in case I needed it. I drive for a while and I finally get to where I was going.

I put the car into park and I head into the woods with my backpack that has the gun and the bullets in it. I look around I knew this was the woods in my dream. I knew that I was going to relive it. But this time I was ready for it. I knew what I had to do. I finally find what I am looking for.

I see both Josh and Damon's father sitting in a clearing. Josh was tied up and Damon's dad had a new gun pointed at him. I felt my heart trying to leap out of my chest. But I knew that I needed to stay calm and focused on this. So I walk towards them and smiles.

"Let's end this here and now let's get this show on the road. Let go of my boyfriend otherwise I will kill you," I said calmly. Damon's father sneers at me before cocking his gun at me. "The only one that I see that is going to die is you!" He shouts. I couldn't help but laugh at him on that. I saw him get mad.

"Awww did I hurt your feelings? My bad," I said. He stalks to me and I stand there and waits for him to come to me. He stands in front of me and points the gun to my chest and he sneers at me. "Looks like I have the upper hand here you won't be able to kill me you don't even have a gun," he says smirking.

I push his gun away from my chest and I pull out his gun. The look on his face was priceless he didn't see it coming. "You were saying?" I asked smirking. "How did you get your hands on my gun?" He sneers at me. I was getting tired of seeing him sneer at me. So I sneer back and puts bullets in the gun.

"We shall see who dies today," I say with a smile on my face. I point the gun to his chest. "Let's play a game shall we? Let's call it the hunting game the prize is one of us will be killed by the winner. How does that sound?" I asked him. His eyes widen in surprise.

I see Josh trying to say something over his mouth being taped up. I know it is reckless and stupid. But I knew what I am doing and I won't let anyone stop me for doing what I think is right. "Fine looks like you have bigger guts then I thought. But you will lose," he says.

I just shook my head and got ready to play the game. "Here are the rules we each get a 10 minute start before we go looking for the other. Once one of us finds each other we shoot one of our bullets up in the air indicating that one of us found the other," I say.

I saw his smile on that. "Sounds good to me so let's get this going. I want to be home in time for dinner that I will be cooking," he says with confidence. I just laugh. "The game starts now," I say. I start heading into the woods looking for a good hiding spot.

I hear Damon's dad going the other way away from me. I couldn't help but smile on this. I was never good at hunting but I was going to try this. Whatever happens to me I will make sure that Josh gets away.

*Josh's point of view*

I sat there helplessly as I saw them each go into a different direction then the other. I couldn't believe that they were actually going to play this stupid game. It was really stupid if you ask me. If I know Lucas well enough I know that he won't live to see the next day. I needed to make sure that he didn't die.

I fight with my bonds trying to find a way out of this. At first I didn't get anywhere. But then I felt something loosen and I was able to get free. I got up and ran after Damon's dad. I wanted to try to talk him out of this. Maybe it will work.

It was worth a shot I wanted to end this here and now as well.

*Lucas's point of view*

I was in the woods deep enough. I am starting to doubt this game that I came up with. How would we be able to find each other. I was in the middle of thinking when I hear a gun go off.

My eyes widen in shock and I run towards the sound. Something inside of me told me that I wouldn't like what I am going to find. I saw a flash of Josh laying down on the ground dead. In his own pool of blood. It made me want to run faster.

I pick up the pace and soon I see where the sound came from and my eyes widen in shock on what I see right before me. It wasn't Josh laying on the floor dead. It was Damon's dad.  The person who pulled the trigger wasn't Damon's dad but Josh. I looked at him wide eyed.

"W-what happened?" I asked in shock.  Josh's eyes were just as wide as mines maybe even wider. "H-he gave me no choice I had to Lucas I just had to," I hear him say. I walk over to him slowly. 

"It will be Ok give me the gun love," I say calmly offering my hand out for the gun. At first I thought he wasn't going to give me the gun. But he does I take it and throw it on the ground away from him. Then I open my arms out to him. He runs into them and I hold him close.

"I can't believe I killed him this is all my fault. I thought if I talked him out of this. That we wouldn't have to kill anyone instead I had to. He told me horrible things he would do to you and I lost it. I couldn't let him kill you Lucas I just couldn't let him do that," he said.

I nodded my head and holds him close to me. "Its ok we should go now I don't think anyone will find him here," I said. He nods his head and we walk away and heads back to my car. I drive us to my place and we don't say anything along the way.

Once we get inside he goes and curls up on the couch. I go over to him and I look at him. I go into the kitchen and I call up his parents. I told them that I found him but he's shooken up and he wants to stay with me until he's able to pull himself together. I knew from the sound of their tone that they didn't like it.

But they reluctantly agreed to it. I hang up after talking to them a little more. I go back to see that Josh hasn't moved at all from the couch. I walk over and sit next to him. He looks up at me and his eyes are big and wide. He throws himself at me and I hold him close.

Even though it was finally over all of this tragedy. It won't be over for Josh he will be haunted by it. I could tell by the way he was shaking in my arms. I was going to do whatever it took to protect him. I love him that much.

"Its going to be ok I will help you through this I promise you that," I say to him. I see him look up at me and he smiled a little. "I know you will help me I love you for it," he says.

The end

*Author's note*

So I finally finished the first book now I'm going to make the 2nd book on Saturday but I'm going to finish the first chapter before posting it. So it will be a while before you all read it. But I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I did writing it.

The sequel will be called the runaways so I hope you will read it when it comes out.

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