Chapter 2

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*Josh's point of view* 

I couldn't help but stare at Lucas during lunch time he has been very helpful on catching me up in class. I look away quickly when I see him catching me watching him. I saw him smirk and I feels my face get all red. "Why the blush? Are my charms too much for you to handle?" he asked me with a mischievous grin on his face. I felt a laugh escape my mouth and my eyes widen in surprise. I haven't laughed in such a long time that I forgot what it sounded like. 

Lucas smiles at me and I blush more. "Hey do you want to hang out somewhere after school?" he asked me. I was speechless and I nods my head yes but then I knew I needed to tell him I'm gay because in order for this friendship to work. I needed to be honest with him so I take a deep breath. "I have to tell you something though I am gay," I say. I feel my face gets hot again and I am looking down so I don't see his reaction. 

"That's ok with me I am gay as well," he says to me. I finally look up and I see him grinning at me and I can't help but feel my face giving a grin back in return. "That's good and a relief I thought I was going to be the only gay kid at this school," I say. Then my eyes widen when I realized I spoken out loud instead of in my head like I thought I did. I see Lucas smiling at me. "Well you are not the only one there are others. But most of them like to hide it instead of showing it. You know how people can get about other people being gay," he says to me. 

"I know my parents hate that I am gay they thought if they sent me to this school that I would grow out of my phase and be a normal teenage boy that they always wanted," I say quietly. Lucas puts his hand gently on my arm and gives me a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry to hear that but hey I have an idea that just might work on your parents," he says to me.

I look at him not sure if I was hearing him right on what he said. "What's the idea?" I asked him curiously. He smirks at me. "Well lets prove them wrong about you being gay is only a phase have you ever had a boyfriend before?" he asked me. I blush deeply and couldn't help but curse at myself for blushing so much around him. "N-no I never had a boyfriend I was too afraid to date I didn't want the guy I was with to be hurt just in case my parents said something that would hurt him. So I made sure to stay single why do you ask?" I asked him curiously. 

"Well then this will be perfect I will be your boyfriend to prove your parents wrong that it isn't a phase about you being gay. That its who you are and they have to accept that and if they try to put me down I can handle it. I'm used to people doing it anyways I don't hide the fact that I am gay. Maybe showing them that you mean business by getting a boyfriend then maybe that would make your parents accept it. What do you say to that?" he asks me. 

I'm speechless for a moment and don't know what to say to all of that but maybe he is right maybe getting a boyfriend. Would show my parents that it isn't some phase I am going through that its me maybe seeing that will make them understand. Maybe it even might help them to accept me if they loved me like they said they do then I am sure they would finally accept it. "Alright lets do this then," I say to him. He smiles.

"Alright there is just one thing you need to know that I'm only pretending to be your boyfriend to help you out," he says to me. I feel wounded by that but I can get why he would say something like that after all we just met and barely know each other. But I can accept that because I know it will help me out hopefully it will help me out. Lucas smiles at me and pulls my face to him and kisses me. My eyes widen in shock. 

Lucas lets me go and is smirking at me. "That's just to seal the deal we made and plus I wanted to see your face get red again," he says to me. I blush even more and I want to hide my face but I don't. "Alright so when do you think we should do this plan?" I asked him. Lucas smirks at me and grabs my hand lacing our fingers together. "It starts now," he says. I blush and I was going to make sure not to fall for him. 

*Lucas's point of view* 

I couldn't believe that I just did this and helped the new kid out. I swore to myself I wouldn't be any guys boyfriend anymore not after what happened 3 years ago. But then I remind myself that it isn't real I am just helping him out by pretending to be his boyfriend there was a difference. But still I can't shake off the memory of what happened 3 years ago. "Hey Lucas are you ok?" Josh asked me. I look at him and smile at him. "Yep I am fine why do you ask?" I asked him.

"Just making sure that your ok you look a little pale though," Josh said with a worried tone in his voice. I shake my head and clears it and then I give him my full attention. "Everything is just fine love," I lied. "How about we go on a date this weekend and you can introduce me to your parents?" I asked him. Josh smiles and nods his head. "Sounds good to me on that this will be my first date though," Josh says with a blush creeping over his face. 

Every time that he blushed it made me want to kiss him and do other things to him but I don't I hold back and before long its time for us to go to our other classes. We get up and is still holding hands I can hear everyone talking about us already. I look back at Josh and sees that he is blushing and trying to hide his face I felt him shaking as well. So I let go of his hand and wraps my arm around his waist and smiles at him. I feel him relax against me and I feel myself get excited a little. 

But I just hold it in and walks us to our class. Finally a few hours later school was over for the day and I decided to walk Josh home. But before I could the kid I slept with the other day comes towards me with a look of both rage and hurt. I curse under my breath and then grabs Josh's hand and quickly walks away. But then I hear the boy running and I feel him grab my arm. 

"Hey not so fast what is this? You got yourself a boyfriend already? What about us? I thought we had something together? Yet you pick someone else?" He says in a raised voice. The other teens that are still here stop and stare and I look towards Josh and I see him just watching and trying to hide his expression which isn't going so well. I sigh and takes a deep breath and I look at the boy. "There was no us and there never will be an us I told you before that I don't stay or get attached," I say to the boy.

The boy looks hurt but then something inside of him snaps and he goes and tries to throw a punch at me. I dodge it and I grab his hand and I twist it. He cries out in pain and then I get in his face and say this. "Don't ever come near me again," I said. 

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