Chapter 10

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Now that we are older now I knew I had to tell him how I felt before it was too late. So I take a deep breath and knocks on his door waiting for someone to answer. His father answered the door and looked down at me. I couldn't help but stand still and wait to see what he was going to say. "He is in his room," he says. 

He steps aside and lets me go through. I couldn't help but sigh in relief I get to Damon's room and opens the door. I stand there for a bit and watches him playing a video game lost in it. I could stand there all day and watch him. But I knew that I needed to make my move it was now or never. I close his door and walks up behind him. 

I bend down and puts my lips to his ear and said: "Boo guess who?" Damon jumped up and then died in the game. He scowls and turns around to face me when he smiled at me when he saw me make a cute face. "You know you cant be mad at little old me now could you?" I asked him. He just shook his head and pulled me into his lap. I was surprised and then I was blushing like crazy. 

"Your right I can't but what do I owe this pleasure of a visit from you?" He asked me. I blushed deeply before I looked up at him I look behind him making sure that the door was closed before looking back at him. "I wanted to say that I am in love with you and that I want to go out with you," I say in a low voice. Damon looked at me in shock before his face went back to normal. 

I felt my heart pounding waiting for him to throw me off his lap and look at me in disgust. But what he does is what surprises me. He grabs my face and kisses me I blush and kisses him back we just sit there for a while kissing each other before he pulls away. I look at him and blush. Then he does something I never thought he was going to do until he did. 

"Will you go out with me Lucas?" He asked me. My eyes widened in shock and I couldn't say anything for a bit until it all came out finally. "Yes I would love to go out with you," I said I then felt tears slide down my face and Damon kissed my tears away before he smiled at me. "My cutie shouldn't be crying he should be happy," he says. I nods my head. "I know but I never thought you were going to say those words to me is all," I said. 

He chuckles and holds me tightly to him. "But we can't tell my father he would be mad and upset about it if he found out about us," he said. I nodded my head his dad always scared me but I knew what he meant. His dad was a huge  homophob he always talked about them being killed off and that people like that shouldn't be alive. I didn't put it passed him if he did end up killing someone. 

But I didn't think much of it I was just too happy to finally be with my Damon who would have thought that things were going to get worse. I honestly didn't know how he was going to find out I guess we weren't careful enough? Did he eaves dropped when we were confessing our feelings for one another? I never really got the answer and to be honest? I really didn't care at the time because the past few months were amazing for me.

We did everything together even had sex together who knew that he liked it so rough. But then that fateful day came around and that's when things went to hell. Damon and I were in the woods enjoying the lake and having fun. We were on a towel wrapped around each other and were kissing. When we heard a noise and then a gasp. We pulled apart and looked behind us and saw Damon's dad. He looked shocked for a moment before pure rage and disgust filled his face. 

"How dare you guys do this filthy thing have you no pride? Men shouldn't be kissing other men your not my son anymore your just a queer. You know what I do with queers? I kill them," he said. We both jumped up and got scared and worried we didn't know what he was going to do. But that was when he pulled out his gun and pointed it at us. I got in front of Damon to protect him. That seemed to anger his father more.

But I didn't care there was no way in hell that I would let him hurt a single hair on my Damon's head not while I was alive and breathing. "Move away I am going to take care of him first and then you I knew you were trouble. The moment I met you I knew you were trouble you tainted my son and now you leave me no choice but to kill him. This is all your fault you should have not tainted my son at all I will make sure you pay for as long as I live. I am going to kill my son and then I am going to make your life a living hell," he says. 

I couldn't help but tremble in fear no way was I going to let this happen I held my head up high and stood my ground. I dared him to make a move my stance seems to say I knew I could protect the one I love. His father just sneered at me and cocked his gun and put his finger on the trigger that was when I grabbed Damon's hand and without thinking started to run. I got scared when I heard the gun go off but I didn't stop I just kept going.

I didn't know it at the time but Damon got shot in the side but he didn't say anything he was too busy trying to keep up with me. I guess the adrenaline was coursing through him for him not to noticed the pain. Finally I couldn't stop running anymore and we stopped and hid behind a rock. That was when I saw the wound. It was deep into his side and he looked pale as a ghost.

I felt my body trembling I took off my shirt and pressed it against his wound trying to stop the blood flow. But I knew it was too late the blood was running too much out for me to stop it and before long my shirt is soaked through with blood. I wanted to cry but then that's when I heard shouts and footfalls. I knew it was Damon's father and I was mad as hell.  

"Stay here and keep your hands on the shirt pressing down on the wound to try to stop the bleeding. I am going to take care of your dad and then I will get you taken to the hospital ok?" I asked him. I knew I had to hurry on this before its too late and I lose him. I move away from the rock and then heads towards the shouts and footfalls that were getting closer to where we were. Pretty soon I saw his dad in clear view. 

He didn't really notice me so I took advantage of it and snuck up behind him. I knew it was a dangerous move considering I am weaponless. But at that moment I really didn't care I just knew that I wanted this to end. This is all his father's fault that my Damon is slowly dying I was going to make sure his father paid. I grabbed the thickest biggest stick I could find.

Then I went up behind him and I pointed the stick at his neck but I made sure he couldn't see it for all he knew I had a knife pressed up against his neck. "You are going to stop this we are allowed to be happy who are you to ruin our happiness?" I asked him in a calm voice. 

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